Bankers Demand We Obey Them
Posted by Henry Makow Ph.D.
spine-chilling letter has surfaced on the Internet that dispels any illusions that we
are free humans beings living in a benevolent democracy. The letter from "your
globalist friend" advises citizens of the world "you are our property" and must
accept servitude "for your own good."
"The days of putting a stop to us have long since past," he writes sounding like Big
" We have full control of the earth and its finance, along with the major media
propaganda, and there is simply no way any nation or power can defeat us... We can
send American or European troops to wherever we like, whenever we like, and for
whatever purpose we like, and you dutifully go about our business...How much more
evidence do you need? ...Does it not seem reasonable that you simply obey and serve
I know I promised to lighten up this summer but this is too important to ignore.
I caution you material like this can induce a kind of schizophrenia because it
provides a vision of reality so different from the one we are given by the mass
The six-page letter was written in the autumn of 1999 but didn't receive broad
circulation. An anonymous reader sent it to Greg Szymanski Monday and he posted
it on his web site I present the highlights here but urge you
to read it in full below.
there or read it below. I also urge you to send a donation to Greg who is one of the
most courageous and prolific writers on the net. He operates on a shoestring.
The letter could be a hoax but I believe it is authentic. It is consistent with what
many conspiracy researchers have discovered independently, yet more vivid and
insightful than anything they could fabricate. If it is elite disinformation,
its intention might be to discourage resistance.
Whether or not it is authentic, the really important question is: Does it
describe reality for you?
Our globalist friend says he wants to explain political reality to us so we "
might know how to behave in the New Order now taking shape on the earth."
He exults in the fact that he represents a secret force that controls the world yet
is invisible to all.
"We run everything, yet, you do not know who to attack. I must say this hidden hand
is wonderfully devised and without any known historical precedent on this scale. We
rule the world and the world cannot even find out who is ruling them. This is truly a
wonderful thing. In our media we present before you exactly what it is we want you to
do. Then, as if in a flash, our little servants obey."
But he does identify himself. He clearly represents the central bankers: "Your own
money has served to forge the chains we bind you with, since we are in control of all
As I have said, the central banking cartel is the mainspring of the New World Order.
By giving foreign private interests the power to create money based on our credit,
our predecessors doomed Western Civilization. These private interests naturally
bought control of everything and everyone and they now want to institutionalize their
control globally. This is the essence of the "war on terror."
"Our kingdom is the kingdom of money," our globalist friend writes. "We have given
you a piece of paper or some numbers on a computer screen that we have termed
'money.' It is backed up by nothing and proven by nothing but what we say it is. We
create it from nothing, we print it, we loan it, we give it its value, and we take
its value away. All things that have to do with money are in our hands."
Our globalist friend reveals that the bankers have a symbiotic relationship with
us. We produce profits by borrowing from them.
"We want you to be in the system. When you are buying a house, we not only
receive the tax revenue to use for our purposes, but we gain large increases from the
interest on the loan. You may pay for your house two or three times over from the
interest alone. The interest is also taxed which is again placed for use in those
sectors of influence we choose. We do not want you to escape free and that is why we
have made it as we have."
One of those sectors of influence is education. He says our taxes pay for
"the indoctrination of your children in the public schools we have set up. We want
them to grow up well trained into the system of our thinking. Your children will
learn what we want them to learn, when we want them to learn it, and you pay for
"You are our property. We will not permit you to buy or sell unless
you submit to our mark of authority. If you go to court against us, we will wear you
out there and in the end you will lose. If you use violence, we will end up having
you in one of our labor camps, more specifically called prison industries. You need
our money, our entertainments, our fuel, and our utilities to function and if you
don't have them, you feel deprived. By this, you are made to yield to our will."
Our political leaders are chosen from the ranks of criminals and perverts because
they can be made to obey using blackmail. Exposing President Clinton's depravity was
"very helpful in adjusting the moral habits of the youth downward."
He scoffs at attempts to impeach Clinton: "He is useful to us and he will not be
removed by anyone until we are ready to have him removed...the leader we set up will
be there until it serves us to have another. At that time we place our proposed
leader before you and you vote for what we want. In that way we give you the vain
voting exercise in the belief you had something to do with placing your president in
He cites Sadaam Hussein and Slobodan Milosevic as leaders who refused to obey. "There
is only glory in following our purposes and doing what we say. If one does not, there
will be such a sad and tragic result. I would really have you spared of such an
As for smaller fry, he says rebellion will merely serve as an excuse for more
repressive laws. They can tie dissenters up in court, which they also control.
They can destroy people like David Koresh and discredit them at the same time.
He says Liberals and Conservatives "serve with the stamp of our approval but they
are not allowed to present the real issues. By creating controversy on all
levels, no one knows what to do. So, in all of this confusion, we go ahead and
accomplish what we want with no hindrance." (Emphasis mine)
He says the media occupy the masses with sex and violence so they are programmed to
fight mindlessly and "do not have the integrity or brain power to deal with the
really important matters which are left entirely in our hands."
China and Russia do not present a challenge: "We have no fear of Russia or China for
we are already in full control of their system of things. China knows that we can
freeze any number of its corporations in America and all of its capital at the stroke
of a pen."
We are taught that society is participating in an age of enlightenment and
progress but this is a ruse. In fact a brutal claw reaches out of the past to
impale mankind on its sharp talons.
Sooner or later we will have to recognize that the central bankers and their allies
have organized a diabolical conspiracy against mankind. Human events only make sense
when we realize disciples of Lucifer are establishing a New World Order to
serve their evil god. I know this sounds too bizarre to be true. They count on
The "Letter from Your Globalist Friend" is consistent with the other great
revelations of the invisible government: the Harold Rosenthal Interview; the House
Report; the Svali Disclosures; Quiet Weapons for Silent Wars, The Report from Iron
Mountain, The Red Symphony and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Most of
these can all be accessed through this web site.
I don�t have space to discuss the Jewish role here. I have discussed it elsewhere.
I'm afraid totalitarian excesses of the past are a harbinger of the future.
Right now, we are pampered slaves living in a fool's paradise. But if we rebel, our
globalist friend says our comfortable illusions will suffer a rude awakening.
Will we sacrifice our principles for the sake of survival? That is the question
people increasingly must ask. Our globalist friend makes clear that they cannot rule
unless they dupe us into performing their will and paying for it to boot. Who do
we obey and serve?
The New World Order's Letter To Every Citizen Of The World Warning Resistance Is
According to letter addressed to everybody in America, it's useless to
resist a one world takeover, as the program is in its final stages.
Posted by Greg Szymanski
The New World Order agenda is well-known among alternative news junkies.
But to most Americans the name tag put on the sinister and diabolical group of
thugs trying to take over the world means nothing.
It means absolutely nothing because most people remain in the dark, having fallen
victim to the powerful propaganda machine sweeping through the world like an out of
control freight train.
For those who remain uninformed, the following is a letter to get you up to speed
from an Illuminati propagandist about the coming One World Order:
The Letter is as follows:
Dearest Citizen of the World,
I believe the time has come to reveal to you some of the perplexities you have
faced in recent decades. It is well for you to understand some of these things so
that you might know how to behave in the New Order now taking shape on the earth. We
want you to be able to become fully involved and integrated into our new society.
After all, this is for your best interest if you will do.
First of all, it is well that you understand some of our purposes so that you may
more fully cooperate. I cannot tell you the hard times you will face if you resist
us. We have ways of dealing with resisters. I am only telling you this now, since it
is much too late to turn things around. The days of putting a stop to us have long
since past. We have full control of the earth and its finance, along with the major
media propaganda, and there is simply no way any nation or power can defeat us. We
have eyes in every level of government in every nation of the world. We know what is
being planned, for our ears and eyes are ever present. State secrets are fully known
to us.
China recently accused the media in the U.S. of lying about Kosovo. Oh, you silly
people, of course we lie. In this way we can keep the people unbalanced and always
facing controversy which is very helpful to us. Have you not seen the talk show
spectacle? Some of you believe we are the liberals and the good people are the
conservatives. In reality, both serve our purposes. Each camp merely serves with the
stamp of our approval but they are not allowed to present the real issues.
By creating controversy on all levels, no one knows what to do. So, in all of this
confusion, we go ahead and accomplish what we want with no hindrance.
Consider the President of the United States. Even though he regularly breaks every
known check on his power, no one can stop him. He goes ahead and does whatever we
want him to do anyway. The Congress has no power to stop him. He does what we want
since he knows if he does not, because of his rather dark character, we can have him
removed in a moment's time. Is not that a rather brilliant strategy on our part?
You cannot take us to court because you can't see us and the courts are our
servants as well. We run everything, yet, you do not know who to attack. I must say
this hidden hand is wonderfully devised and without any known historical precedent on
this scale. We rule the world and the world cannot even find out who is ruling them.
This is truly a wonderful thing. In our media we present before you exactly what it
is we want you to do. Then, as if in a flash, our little servants obey.
We can send American or European troops to wherever we like, whenever we like, and
for whatever purpose we like, and you dutifully go about our business. How much more
evidence do you need? We can make you desire to leave your homes and family and go to
war merely at our command. We only need to present some nonsense to you from the
president's desk or on the evening news and we can get you all fired up to do
whatever we like. You can do nothing but what we put before you.
When any of you seek to resist us, we have ways of making you look ridiculous as
we have done with your militia movement. We have delighted to use this movement to
show the world how impotent any resistance is. They look so silly marching around
with their guns as if they were some match for our military. Look at what we did near
Waco. Did the Davidian's little store of weapons help them?
We have generously taxed you and used that money to make such sophisticated
weapons you can in no way compete. Your own money has served to forge the chains we
bind you with, since we are in control of all money. Some of you think you may escape
by buying some land in the country and growing a garden. Let me remind you that you
still pay us ground rent. Oh, you may call it property taxes, but it still goes to
You see, you need money no matter what you do. If you fail to pay your ground rent
to us, we will take your land and sell it to someone who will pay us. Do you think we
cannot do this? And with your ground rent we pay for the indoctrination of your
children in the public schools we have set up. We want them to grow up well trained
into the system of our thinking. Your children will learn what we want them to learn,
when we want them to learn it, and you pay for it through your ground rent.
Those funds are also used for other projects we have in mind and our contractors
are paid handsomely for their work. You may doubt that we own your children, or have
such control, but you will find that we do. We can declare that you abuse your
children when you spank them and have them confiscated. If they do not show up for
school indoctrination, we can accuse you of neglect, thereby, giving them to us. Your
children are not yours. They are ours. You must inoculate them, you must bring them
to our hospitals if we decree or we will take them from you. You know this and we
know this. Through our electronic commerce we are able to see where you are, what you
are buying, and how much you have to buy things with. Where do you suppose we come up
with our monthly financial statistics?
Through the Internet and other sources we can even know how you think and what you
say. It is not especially important to us what you believe as long as you do what we
say. Your beliefs are nonsense anyway. But if you think you have a following, and we
perceive that you might be somewhat dangerous to our agenda, we have ways to deal
with you. We have a Pandora's box of mischief with which to snare you. We can have
you in court so long you will never get out. We can easily drain away all your assets
over one pretext or another. We have an inexhaustible fund with which to draw from to
pay our lawyers. These lawyers are paid by you in the form of taxes. You do not have
this vast supply of wealth. We know how to divide and conquer. Have we not brought
down rulers of countries through our devices? Do you think your tiny self will be any
match for us?
And, let us consider your religions and the "moral majority." The "moral majority"
is neither moral nor is it in the majority. We have delighted to use this wet noodle
of a movement to make ridiculous the Christian faith. The silly men who run that
organization always end up with egg on their faces.
We have always put them in defense of themselves as we have so successfully done
with the NRA. We can make it seem by our media propaganda that the National Rifle
Association is actually the New Radical Attackers. Have we not turned the American
conservative movement on its ear? If it serves our purposes we can use the
conservatives to turn the liberals on their ear. It makes no difference to us but it
serves to make you believe there are two sides struggling for their particular
position. This helps to make things seem fair and free since everyone has a voice.
Actually, there is only one side now with all kinds of masks on, but you are unable
to penetrate our purposes. You see, we can do whatever we like and you can do nothing
about it. Does it not seem reasonable that you simply obey and serve us? Otherwise,
you get eaten up in the resistance you suppose will liberate you. You cannot be
liberated. Imagine how you can. We supply your fuel for your cars. We can turn it off
whenever we like claiming that there is some sort of fuel shortage. What if your car
breaks down? You cannot get parts for it without us. We supply all the money you use.
At any whim of our desire we can stop the money supply or cause a complete crash all
together. We can then order the president to declare all money worthless and that we
will have to have new money. All of your stashes of cash will go up in smoke in a
moment's time. Don't you need food? If necessary, we can cause a trucker's strike
which would stop deliveries of food to your local store. We can starve you whenever
we like. You only have food because we have provided it to you from our table. During
the great depression we controlled the food. We heaped mountains of food behind
fences and let it rot. The hungry were then made to work in our labour camps even
though there was enough and more to feed them. Do you really think you can beat us?
You say you will hoard gold coins so you will still have money in the time of the
crash. We can simply pass a law which outlaws the possession of gold as we have done
in the past. If we find gold in your possession, we would simply confiscate it and
put you in prison for breaking the law. While in prison you would be required to work
in one of our prison industries.
We have so formed a picture of the labour camps in our prisons these days that no
one seems to object to them. We tell people that murderers should pay for their own
keep. No one seems to consider that we have the power to put tomato growers there
also. We can pass laws that prohibit gardens and then make up some scientific reason
why you may only buy food from our sources. If someone sees you growing tomatoes,
they will report you to us and then we will have you in our fields working for us.
Oh, silly nationalists, there is no escape for you, for since long before you were
born, we were planning your capture. Your teachers and ministers have been forming
your thoughts for us for generations now. You have no idea how to pull out of our
influence short of suicide. Go ahead and commit suicide, it will only help us to deal
with the excessive population. You cannot hurt us, find us, or even imagine what we
are up to. I am throwing you these few crumbs only so that you may, if you have a
little good sense, obey and follow our orders.
We run Hollywood. The movies such as Terminator and Armageddon, along with a great
host of others, were simply created to get you thinking according to our directions.
You have been made to delight in violence so that when we send you off to kill some
bad man we have put before you, you move without a whimper. We have placed violent
arcade games in your malls to prepare your young minds in the art of battle. We have
made you to view our armies and police as the good forces and you submit to things
that were unthinkable just a few decades ago. Our artful programs, are all designed
to help you submit and even help the New World Order. Star Trek, and other such
creations, have taught you to simply obey orders from the new international rulers.
Oh, silly people, you thought you were being entertained, while you were actually
being educated. Dare I use the words, "brainwashed" or "mind control?" By the way,
have you seen the new Star Wars? What a masterpiece of mental manipulation. Humans
confer with nondescript beasts of all shapes and sizes and they confer in English. I
wonder where those space beasts learned English. Oh, the simpleness of the mind of
the citizen. He never considers he is being taken into fairyland. We have placed
advertisements for Star Wars almost everywhere you go. You will find them in
Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Taco Bell and a host of our institutions of commerce. There is
something we want you to learn from this movie. Or, perhaps it could be said, there
is something we do not want you to learn, from Episodes 4-6. Either way, we will have
what we want in the whole affair. Of course, to keep you off guard we have instructed
our elected officials to appear to be correcting the evil of our violence.
President Clinton is now speaking against violence in Hollywood movies. This will
not solve the problem, but will only make the people believe the problem is being
worked on.
Sex and violence are the very best powers to use to help us gain our advantage.
How the people loathe to give up their sex and violence, so we place all they want
before them. In this way, we keep them so occupied they do not have the integrity or
brain power to deal with the really important matters which are left entirely in our
hands. President Clinton has been very helpful to us. We knew of what character he
was before we placed him as president. Exposing him was very helpful in adjusting the
moral habits of the youth downward. This is to our advantage. Even more agreeable to
us were the vain efforts of those who thought they could remove him against our will.
He is useful to us and he will not be removed by anyone until we are ready to have
him removed. Excuse me if I seem to be mocking your system of beliefs, but they are
rather outdated. Have you no eyes to see your vain liberties and your righteous
pontifications are nothing before us? You can only do what we say you can do. We
remove presidents when we are ready and the leader we set up will be there until it
serves us to have another. At that time we place our proposed leader before you and
you vote for what we want. In that way we give you the vain voting exercise in the
belief you had something to do with placing your president in office.
We use the nations for what we want to use them for. Everyone knows that they must
yield to us or die. Fortunately, we have had a few resisters such as Saddam Hussein
and Slobodan Milosevic that have been helpful in showing the world leaders what we
will do to them if they do not submit. There is only glory in following our purposes
and doing what we say. If one does not, there will be such a sad and tragic result. I
would really have you spared of such an end. But, then, again, if you are not spared,
it is of no consequence to us. We will use you to alleviate some of the
overpopulation problem.
Some of you have thought you could stop us by placing a bomb in one of our
abortion clinics or in a overnment building. Silly souls! How can that hurt us? All
that does is give us an example to use so that we might place more controls and heavy
burdens on the population. We love it when you rebel and blow something up. You are
our reason for making more laws against all those things which might contribute to
your freedom from us. If someone did not blow something up on occasion, we would have
no justification in placing more hedges about you. Can't you see how impossible it is
for you to resist us? The more you wriggle, the more we squeeze. Our kingdom is the
kingdom of money. Excuse me, but I must confess that we are the rulers of the kingdom
of non-money.
You must see the humour in that statement. We have given you a piece of paper or
some numbers on a computer screen that we have termed money. It is backed up by
nothing and proven by nothing but what we say it is. We create it from nothing, we
print it, we loan it, we give it its value, we take its value away. All things that
have to do with money are in our hands.
Think of it, what is it that you can do against us without money? If you try to
resist, we can cancel your credit or freeze your accounts. Your cash is easily
confiscated. We have made so many rules in the realm of living that you cannot live
without money. Camp on government land and you must move in two weeks. You cannot
grow much of a garden in two weeks. Many of our wilderness trails are entered by
permit only. We have passed laws that do not allow you to live in trailers over a
certain period without moving to another location. Have you not thought it ridiculous
that we will allow a man to live in a box full time but we will not allow a man to
live in an RV full time unless he is in a taxpaying campground?
Our recent war in Serbia has many purposes to it but we do not speak of these
things openly. We let the talk show hosts blather all sorts of nonsense but none of
it touches the core.
First of all, there is a wealth of natural resources in Kosovo that we must have
complete control of. Kosovo has large supplies of uranium in its soil and uranium is
very helpful to our regime. Also, it suits us to keep all such minerals out of the
hands of potential enemies. Milosevic has not been helpful in giving those resources
into our hands so we simply make things difficult for him until he does. Even now
victory over Yugoslavia is imminent. We are reducing that proud nation to the level
of humility we require from all people. After the war, if Mr. Milosevic does not
sufficiently humble himself, we will take him to the world court charged with war
crimes. We made up that term; rather ingenious, don't you think? How could there be
such a thing as a war crime? The very nature of war is that the rules are off. It is
so entertaining to watch the nations try to fight war according to the laws we have
placed before them. The only war crime there really is only involves the crime of
being against us. Anyone against us is violating our law. As you have seen when
someone is for us we do not care what they do. Was not Nelson Mandela a bomb-toting
terrorist who killed many of his enemies? We made a hero of him. We observe no laws
when it comes to war. We do what we want, when we want, and where we want. We can
starve nations to death, we can ruin civilians and any other horror for which we
would take our enemies to court. Look at our example. We bomb Serbia out of its wits,
bomb Kosovans out of their homes, poison their rivers and streams, turn off their
electricity making a grand crisis in that country, and then we masterfully make it
appear it is all Mr. Milosevic's fault and he needs to go to court for it. It is the
same way we made our inferno at Waco look like Mr. Koresh's fault.
Then there was our chief villain, Saddam with all of his weapons of mass
destruction. Bad men are a dime a dozen and we can conjure one up whenever it suits
us. This is really quite funny when you think of it. I am not one who is usually
given to humour, but I do catch myself laughing sometimes at the absolute absurdity
of the notions we place before you and you readily accept. Do you wonder that the
leaders of the world tremble at our presence? They know they have no power except the
power we give them.
We have no fear of Russia or China for we are already in full control of their
system of things. China knows that we can freeze any number of its corporations in
America and all of its capital at the stroke of a pen. We want you to be in the
system. When you are buying a house, we not only receive the tax revenue to use for
our purposes, but we gain large increases from the interest on the loan. You may pay
for your house two or three times over from the interest alone. The interest is also
taxed which is again placed for use in those sectors of influence we choose. We do
not want you to escape free and that is why we have made it as we have. You are our
property. We will not permit you to buy or sell unless you submit to our mark of
authority. If you go to court against us, we will wear you out there and in the end
you will lose. If you use violence, we will end up having you in one of our labor
camps, more specifically called prison industries. You need our money, our
entertainments, our fuel, and our utilities to function and if you don't have them,
you feel deprived. By this, you are made to yield to our will.
Your Globalist Friend
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The Intelligent Student's Guide to the coming New World Order

The essence of the New World Order (NWO) or world management system is that it
is management by social engineers, rather than government based on a written
constitution. How you are affected by this management system depends on what the
social engineers decide the system should do for you and require of you. The
social engineers and system managers think of themselves as scientists applying
the scientific method to the control of group behavior. Your behavior and your
relationships are regarded as the subject of investigation and control by those
who call themselves social scientists. You are among their test animals, and you
have no say in, and often no knowledge of, experiments that involve you. If the
NWO is totally implemented, your independence, individuality, and freedom will be
There is nothing new about the idea of managing others, or even of controlling
the whole world. That has been the goal of social philosophers for thousands of
years. However, we need not go back over ancient history. We are concerned
primarily with what has been going on in our own generations. This we can
understand quite well if we confine ourselves to the Nineteenth and Twentieth
Goals of the New World Order
To begin to understand the New World Order (NWO) you need to forget what you
have been told about philosophical differences between Republicans and Democrats;
left and right; Socialists and Libertarians; business and labor; liberal and
conservative; black and white, etc.. The planners of the New World Order know
they must use, influence, and cater to all of these groups to accomplish the
goals they are seeking, which are:
- Consolidate everything.
- Commercialize everything.
- Classify everything.
- Claim everything.
- Control everything.
We might call these goals the five Cs of the New World
Order. If it is fully empowered, free speech, personality, personal goals and
decisions, individual responsibility, private property, private business,
morality, Constitutional government, national sovereignty; and religious freedom
can no longer be tolerated. Everyone in every country will be subject to the NWO
management system. To quote the French mathematician/philosopher, Auguste Comte
(1798-1857), one of the most significant early planners of the world management
“The most important object of this regenerated polity will be the
substitution of Duties for Rights; thus subordinating personal to social
considerations. The word Right should be excluded from political language, as the
word Cause from the language of philosophy. ” [1]
“The only real life is the collective life of the race; individual life
has no existence except as an abstraction.” [2]
He also wrote:
“When the system is fully regulated, the effect of this will be to
secure greater unity, by diminishing the influence of personal character.”
This means that to the NWO world management system planners you, as an
individual, are considered to be without character or personality. Your personal
life and personal goals are unimportant to them, unless those goals are
consistent with the sociological, economic and religious goals of the New World
Public Schools and The New World Order
To demonstrate how NWO sociological, economic and religious goals are being
brought about we can look first at the public schools. Most students and parents
think the purpose of public schools is to teach essential and interesting
information, vocational and recreational skills, considerate and responsible
behavior and an appreciation of our country’s history and Constitution.
After your formal education is over, your parents expect that you should be able
to take responsibility for your own moral, material, and social well-being, and
also the moral, material, and social well-being of any children you might have
until they, too, are ready to claim such freedom for themselves.
At one time the goal of those who planned the school
curriculum in the local communities seemed to follow the wishes of parents and
the needs of students. Now, however, those sociologists who have the power to
affect policy in the public schools do not concern themselves with what you need,
what your parents want for you, or with respect and support for the United States
Constitution. Their primary goals are to CONSOLIDATE policies, COMMERCIALIZE
instruction, CLASSIFY individuals, CLAIM jurisdiction, establish CONTROL, and
train you to fit obediently into their world management system without hesitation
or protest. In 1928, sociologist Ross L. Finney wrote:
“A new world is emerging in which the social structures will be of a
different shape, the social resources of a different scope and caliber, than
anything that history records. It is a new deal - in fact a different game with
different cards; and we who are now alive are privileged to witness its
beginning, however blind most of us may be to its implications for ourselves and
our posterity. And for a new age, a new school!” [4]
National Council for the Social Studies
An organization called the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS),
which is an offshoot of the National Education Association and a promoter of the
New World Order, has CLAIMED power to determine what you should learn and what
you should not learn in geography, history, government, economics, psychology,
religion, world politics, etc.. These subjects were CONSOLIDATED decades ago by
sociologists so they could present them together under one agenda called Social
Studies. The leaders of NCSS now decide what you should be taught, how you should
be taught, and how your achievement will be evaluated.
In addition to the National Council for the Social Studies, the various states
have state councils for the social studies. Through the efforts of state councils
- oftentimes with the aid of the Education Commission of the States - bills are
presented to state legislatures to make NCSS’s curriculum standards legal
requirements. After these standards are passed in your state, your local school
board, your own teachers and your parents have little to say about what you
should be expected to learn in these subjects. If you, your school, or community
have different standards; if you do not try to live up to NCSS’s standards
for the New World Order, your schools can be closed or your community punished by
depriving it of federal, foundation and state money.
Grouping People to Control Them
It is interesting to investigate how this takeover was accomplished. Like
everything connected to the New World Order and the five Cs, CONTROL is
accomplished by influencing groups, and most particularly group leaders. This is
because people who are emotionally involved with groups respond to leadership.
They also tend to feel CLASS loyalty. For example, when your elected officials
CONSOLIDATE into groups and meet with elected officials from other areas, they
frequently get carried away by the oratory and comradeship. Although they may not
understand the full implications of the ideas the carefully-selected speakers and
facilitators promote, the officials are maneuvered into feeling obligated to
support what the group supports. By giving their loyalty to these secondary
groups, the officials frequently betray the primary loyalty they owe to you and
the citizens of the states, cities and counties they are supposed to serve.
CONTROL of government officials, educators, congressmen, legislators,
businessmen, city councils, school boards, etc. through organizations is part of
the NWO plan for substitution of its system for the U.S. Constitution.
Through CONSOLIDATION into national or international ‘blanket’
organizations, one person or a small group of people can make decisions and set
goals for hundreds of thousands, or even millions of people. They can set goals
for you if you do not object. Always remember, whoever sets your goals or
presents you with what they call a vision or a mission, CONTROLS your behavior.
You had better understand fully any such commitment you are asked to make.
Goal-Setting, Political Management
Setting goals, and designing visions and missions for groups of people is one
of the favorite preoccupations of the New World Order philosophers and managers.
In education, goal setting and visioning serve to CONSOLIDATE policies so the curriculum can be established in schools throughout the country. When
you hear someone who uses the phrase, “We must. . .” or variations of
it such as, “We need to. . .”, “It is essential that we. .
.”, etc, without adding, “if we wish to . . ,” there is a
pretty fair chance that person is trying to convince you to give up the idea of
independent research and thinking so you will support whatever program or goals
he or she might be promoting.
It is unfortunate that few of our congressmen, state,
county, and city legislators have been alert enough to detect the behavior
management and CONTROL that have been directed toward them. Many of them have
been deceived, flattered, coerced, bribed or blackmailed into surrendering their
legitimate authority to New World Order decision makers. This, too, was planned.
In 1906, sociologist Lester Ward explained how NWO legislation could be
“It must not be supposed that such legislation can be conducted to any
considerable extent in the open sessions of legislative bodies. These will
doubtless need to be maintained, and every new law should be finally adopted by a
vote of such bodies, but more and more this will become a merely formal way of
putting the final sanction of society on decisions that have been carefully
worked out in what may be called the sociological laboratory.” [5]
Goals 2000 - Control is the Object
Most of the governors of the United States are members of the National
Governors' Association. They have national meetings to CONSOLIDATE their policy
decisions. In 1990, a policy was declared to promote the adoption of national
educational goals. The Republican Bush Administration had endorsed the idea in
1989. Multinational corporations and the U. S. Chamber of Commerce supported it.
Then, in 1994, Congress (Democrats and Republicans) passed and funded the Goals
2000: Educate America Act.
Originally, social studies was not included, but the NCSS saw to it that
social studies was annexed to the national agenda. Its leaders appointed a task
force to develop CONSOLIDATED curriculum standards. These were later adopted in
most states as part of the Goals 2000: Educate America Act. Eight goals were
chosen and publicized. The eight educational goals of Goals 2000 were not the
important part of this operation. Any goals that sounded good, along with the
money promised, could have enticed governors and state legislators to pass
enabling legislation in their states. The real goals of Goals 2000 are to
CONSOLIDATE leadership over all the states; CLAIM jurisdiction over curriculum to
CONTROL what you and other students learn; and eventually to COMMERCIALIZE and
CONTROL all educational resources through the use of charter schools and culture
It is no surprise to find now that the eight publicized goals have not been
reached - and will not be reached by the Year 2000. Does this mean that
CONSOLIDATED goal-setting and visioning will be discontinued? On the contrary! To
the goal-setters it means merely that the Goals 2000: Educate America should be
renamed, America’s Education Goals, and should be extended beyond 2000
without a specific deadline. Even when failure is obvious and promises are not
fulfilled, CONTROL, once gained, is never willingly relinquished by the NWO and
United Nations regional government promoters.
Failures of Public Schools
In recent decades, public education has been subjected to a great deal of
criticism. Because schools and curriculum have been interfered with by those who
promote the NWO world management system, students were not learning what their
parents, potential employers, and the students themselves, knew they ought to
learn. Skill in reading, natural science, English, mathematics, foreign languages
were dismally lacking in many high schools, and even college graduates. All kinds
of excuses have been brought forward such as:
- The problem is with your parents because they do not take an interest in
your schooling
- The problem is with you and other students because you do not work hard
enough or take an interest in learning
- The schools are not using the right system of teaching. We need to
experiment with new systems
- The problem is not enough money for education. If schools had more money
they would produce better results
- The problem is segregation. We need to bus for integration
- Classrooms are overcrowded. We need more teachers
- Public schools should have tax-supported competition. We need charter
schools and school vouchers
And so it has gone for decades.
Enemies of Learning
Few of the explainers have revealed the possibility
that you are not being properly taught because the NWO world management system
does not want you to know too much. In his book, A Sociological Philosophy of
Education, published in 1928 by the MacMillan Company, Ross L. Finney,
Assistant Professor of Educational Sociology at the University of Minnesota,
wrote the following about what should and should not be offered to students:
“...a larger place in the curriculum ought to be given to the new
humanities and the fine arts, especially the former; and that correspondingly
less time and energy ought to be allotted to mathematics, formal English, and the
foreign languages...” [6]
“What we obviously need is a science of society. Since the time of
[Auguste] Comte this has been the aspiration of modern scholarship. Instead of
blundering and bungling along from one crisis to the next, science might render
society really telic, and reduce social phenomena to CONTROL as it has done in
the natural world....” (Emphasis mine) [7]
“If leadership by the intelligent is ever to be achieved, followership
by the dull and ignorant must somehow be assured. Followership, quite as much as
leadership, is, therefore, the crucial problem of the present crisis...” [8]
“The safety of democracy is not to be sought, therefore, in the
intellectual independence of the duller masses, but in their Intellectual
dependence. Not in what they think, but in what they think they think...”
“The problem of democracy is which specialized sub-group is to function
as cerebral cortex. That will depend upon who succeeds in drilling epigrams into
the memories of the duller masses. If scientists and educators fail to do it,
then selfish deceivers and exploiters will. But think for themselves the duller
masses never can.” [10]
Those of us who do not agree with sociologists like Ross L. Finney are
CLASSIFIED as selfish deceivers, exploiters, or members of the duller masses. NWO
usurpers have nothing but contempt for us and our need to learn. Many parents,
teachers, administrators, legislators and state governors, etc. have been taken
in by the NWO agenda. There is little chance that your state and school are
independent of NWO management system. Therefore, it is important that you begin
to recognize enemies of learning even when they have college educations, advanced
degrees, university, government and foundation support, and all the preplanned
publicity they need to try to impress those of us whom they consider to be
selfish deceivers, exploiters or the duller masses.
Goals Statement for Schools
You should understand that those who seek to CONTROL your education in order
to limit your access to knowledge are not doing it because they love or respect
you, but because they want to CLAIM and CONTROL you. The more you know about
their goals and techniques, the easier it becomes to recognize efforts to CONTROL
your thoughts. The more you know about history, geography, mathematics, English,
science, etc. the more power you have to defend yourself against falsehood,
deceit and domination.
By establishing goals, missions, and visions, the NCSS has found a way to
limit knowledge in all subjects. I remind you, he who chooses your goals controls
your behavior. The social studies goal statement that has been chosen by the
National Council for the Social Studies and adopted in similar, and sometimes
identical form by the states is:
“ help young people develop the ability to make informed and
reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse,
democratic society in an interdependent world.”
Problem-Solving and Decision-Making
To most people this sounds good, but please notice that it is all about
politics and world CONSOLIDATION. Nothing is mentioned about what is good for
you, about giving you the knowledge to make intelligent fact-base personal
decisions, about helping you to prepare for a career of your own choice. Nothing
is mentioned about what is good for your city, your county, your state, or the
United States of America. No - you are treated as a dependent member of the New
World Order’s interdependent world. Interdependence means CONTROL
by sociology’s New World Order and loss of control over your own
Curriculum goals, guidelines, and standards for states and local communities
are patterned after those of the NCSS and United Nations NWO. In all cases, the
curriculum is based on the idea of rational problem-solving and decision-making,
and on what the NWO crowd calls interdependence. You are asked to make
decisions related to pre-selected social problems based on the limited
information available through classroom assignments.
In this regard, it is important to know another behavior control fact. He who
states the problem for you controls your thinking. Your thoughts and efforts are
directed toward problems which have been selected for you. When you express an
opinion about suggested social or personal problems, you accept the NWO agenda
and acknowledge an obligation to share your thoughts on the problems with
classmates. You can then be CLASSIFIED or grouped according to your public
Limiting Knowledge - Demanding Opinions
Time spent learning facts and skills can be limited when it is taken up
listening to and arguing about one another’s uninformed opinions. Also, a
special danger is involved in this problem-solving, decision-making type of
education. You and your fellow students are encouraged to join groups and act
immediately based on the opinions you express in the cIassroom - never taking
into consideration that your opinions and decisions may change as you mature and
have access to information from other sources.
If you express the opinion that you would like to try drugs or engage in
sexual activities; if you say you might steal or become violent; teachers are
instructed not to warn you against such behavior or tell you that your decision
is wrong or dangerous. That, say the curriculum planners, would be
No Right - No Wrong - Rational Conscience
It is assumed that none of the problems or personal
dilemmas presented can be prevented or solved by self control and moral behavior.
How do curriculum planners justify this omission? Your teachers are told that any
statement regarding morality is considered to be an unexamined belief based on
authority. The National Council for the Social Studies says decision-making
should be what they call rational, rather than being based on authority or
conscience. For example, in Wisconsin teachers were advised:
“A child generally comes to school with what R. J. Havighurst calls an
authoritarian conscience acquired from his parents through a progression of
punishments and rewards. He soon learns that he is not equipped to deal with all
the new situations which confront him. Peers and teachers join and sometimes
supplant parents in helping him to find solutions which are often in conflict
with those offered by his parents. His task, then, is to change from this early
authoritarian conscience to a rational one. This requires that he learn a process
for resolving to his own satisfaction the conflicts that will inevitably arise
whenever change or confrontation with an opposing view makes him question his
existing values.” [11]
Decisions Based on Conscience Not Allowed
When you are taught to doubt your own conscience in
favor of rational decision-making, many types of destructive, obnoxious, and
immoral behavior will no longer be objectionable to you. You learn to find
reasons to justify whatever behavior might have emotional appeal. Unbelievable as
it may seem, teachers in Wisconsin actually were warned against holding students
to traditional high standards:
“Traditionally there was little question that the schools should promote
such values as the following:
- Respect Property.
- Be respectful of adults.
- Say please and thank you at appropriate times.
- Do not use profane language or bad grammar.
- Be neat and clean.
- Do not lie or cheat.
Now, however, in some situations these are quite controversial. Many lawsuits
and community controversies have focused on the meaning of “ and
clean,” for example. Several recent surveys indicate that cheating in
school, rather than being unacceptable, has become the norm, and most students
feel no guilt about cheating. Standards of profanity are constantly changing and
words that one rarely heard used in public a few years ago are now heard a great
deal. While many may not like these developments, it is very necessary for
teachers to recognize that they are taking place.” [12]
Teachers Are Intimidated By The NWO
Knowing what you now know about the goals of the New World Order, you can
understand that the above instruction to teachers could be taken as a veiled
threat, better not telling them they had better not criticize the behaviors
mentioned. Doing so might make them vulnerable to law suits, or perhaps,
discipline by their superiors. Thus, the Wisconsin Department of Public
instruction, following the guidelines of the NCSS, actually promoted the idea
that it is acceptable for you and your fellow students to be thieving,
disrespectful, ungrateful, profanity-using, sloppy, and dirty lying cheaters who
have no conscience, and therefore no feelings of guilt for such behavior. The
United Nations New World Order does not need people of character. It needs only
those who are pliable and manageable.
Creating Problems
Problem creation is another unbelievable aspect of NWO
education. According to the NCSS, one of the main duties of teachers is to create
emotional problems for you:
“Any attempt by a teacher to create a problem without arousing students
emotionally can only result in a pseudo-problem. When students are disturbed,
upset, perhaps even angry, they are closer to having a problem than is ever the
case when teachers make the preservation of objectivity their only concern. A
teacher can sometimes create in students a feeling that their beliefs, concepts
or values are inadequate in some respect. When students are puzzled over what to
believe, they are more likely to have an authentic problem in their possession...
If the student is to become engaged in problem-solving
he must be doubtful, uncertain or puzzled concerning something within his
experience and have the desire through inquiry to remove the doubt. As long as he
is certain of the truth or goodness of a particular idea or action, or as long as
he is unconcerned, indifferent about the matter, he is not involved in
problem-solving. Hence, the initial task confronting the teacher is that of
creating the state of uncertainty or doubt in the mind of the student. . .the
teacher must implant the element of doubt. [14]
Strategies Used to Create Problems
Since the presence of the element of doubt or puzzlement is a necessary
condition for the initiation of problem-solving activity, let us consider
teaching strategies which are likely to evoke such reactions...
- ...The teacher can present the students with a problem within the context
of the content.
- ...The teacher can encourage the students to discover a problem within the
context of the content.
- ...The teacher can convert the unexamined beliefs of students into
- ...The teacher can point up conflicts within the students’ pattern of
beliefs, thus creating problems.
- ...The teacher can point up conflicts within the course content, thus
creating problems. [15]
Teaching problem-solving, decision-making, and interdependence may have
sounded good to many teachers, school board members, local curriculum
coordinators, legislators, parents, and students. However, if they had the
opportunity to read the above, and what the NCSS curriculum planners mean when
they promote this type of education, all of those affected might be more hesitant
before giving their sanction.
Changing Beliefs
Remember, the NWO planners and managers want CONTROL, but they know for
certain that they cannot make you go along with their plans if you are aware of
their intentions and if you are firmly convinced that to do so would be wrong.
That is why so many methods have been devised to help you question or change your
mind about what you believe.
If the New World Order is to succeed in reaching its
goals, Judaism and Christianity are among the religions which have to be
eliminated. People who are guided by the Bible, the Ten Commandments and what the
Bible teaches about God, cannot be depended upon to be totally dedicated to the
sociological goals of a world management system. They cannot be intimidated into
exchanging morals and conscience for sociological goals. This is why the system
does not tolerate competition. Its own Positive religion or religion of Humanity
must prevail. Sociology’s founder, Auguste Comte, wrote:
“By speaking of Positivism as organic, we imply that it has a social
purpose; that purpose being to supersede Theology in the spiritual direction of
the human race.” [16]
“Sociology is once for all substituted for Theology as the basis for the
religious government of mankind.” [17]
“The last step in this long course of training is now establishing the
true form of subjectivity by substitution of Sociology for Theology.” [18]
In 1929, Ross L. Finney was among those working on a
new morality for the managed society. He wrote:
“Nor can the new regime be operated with the beliefs of the old regime.
. .As for the ideals by which we live, they too must be thought out de novo, and
built into an adequate and effective new system of moral education.” [19]
The End of Freedom
The NWO management system’s moral education has nothing to do with
freedom or the principles and ideals on which our nation was founded. The late B.
F. Skinner, a Harvard University psychologist, put it this way:
“The hypothesis that man is NOT FREE is essential to the application of
scientific method to the study of human behavior.” [20]
If you do not want to be a sociologically-controlled and semi-ignorant member
of the United Nations New World Order, you need to recognize the importance of
knowledge and reject attempts at emotional manipulation and knowledge limitation.
The problem-solving and decision-making system of education uses you, plays on
your emotions, and tries to alienate you from those who should be closest to you.
It creates animosity between you and your classmates; wastes valuable learning
time by forcing you to form opinions and listen to the uninformed opinions of
your classmates; and discourages intelligent and moral behavior. It turns you
against your own country and its Constitution in favor of the United Nations' New
World Order management system.
What Can You Do?
Learn to recognize when you are being used, rather than informed. Learn to
recognize when you are being led astray. Be like a conscientious researcher and
reporter. Do not be afraid to ask probing questions whenever you have doubts
about the philosophy behind educational projects, exercises and games, especially
if they seem to you to be totally useless or destructive.
If you are to have any hope of keeping the gift of freedom with which you've
been blessed, you must know and share the truth. If you have concerns about your
education, share them with your parents. Few parents have any idea what goes on
in school. It is their responsibility to find out, and your responsibility to
help them.
You are not a test animal created to serve the ambition of social scientists
and world managers. Do not allow your education to be limited and corrupted as if
all you needed was to be trained in obedience to the system of the
unConstitutional New World Order.
And remember, if you truly desire it, all knowledge is yours:
“Ask, and it shalt be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it
shalt be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that
seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.”
- Matthew 7:7,8~
- [1] Auguste Comte, System of Positive
Polity, Vol. 1, LENOX HILL Pub. & Dist. Co.(Burt Franklin), New
York,1973. Published by the Author in July 1851; P.289
- [2] Ibid.; P. 292.
- [3] Ibid., Vol. 2, Published by the Author
in May 1852; P.237.
- [4] Ross L. Finney, Ph.D. Asst. Prof. of
Educational Sociology, University of Minnesota; A Sociological Philosophy
of Education; The Macmillan Company, New York, 1929. P. 110
- [5] Lester F. Ward, Applied
Sociology, Ginn & Company, 1906. P.338.
- [6] Ibid. P. 187
- [7] Ibid. P. 280
- [8] Ibid. P. 386
- [9] Ibid. P. 389
- [10] Ibid. P. 397
- [11] Knowledge, Processes &
Values in the New Social Studies, WISCONSIN DEPT. OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION,
Bulletin No. 185, 1968-1970, P. 43.
- [12] Ibid., P.45.
- [13] Problem-Centered Social Studies
Instruction; Curriculum Series, Number Fourteen; National Council for the
Social Studies, 1971; P.1.
- [14] Ibid, P. 59
- [15] Ibid.
- [16] Auguste Comte; System of
Positive Polity, Vol 1, P. 45.
- [17] Ibid.; Vol .1, P. 364.
- [18] Ibid., P.471.
- [19] Ross L. Finney, Ph.D., Assistant
Professor of Educational Sociology, University of Minnesota; A Sociological
Philosophy of Education, The MacMillan Company, 1929. P. 112
- [20] Skinner, B.F.; Science and
Human Behavior, The Free Press (Div. MacMillan Co., 1953; P.447.
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Who Are The Illuminati?

By Richard Stone |
"A loose affiliation of millionaires and billionaires" (Paul Simon).
"The world is governed by far different personages from what is imagined by
those who are not behind the scenes" (Benjamin Disraeli).
"Give me control over a nation's currency, and I care not who makes the laws"
(Mayer Rothschild).
Conspiracy theory is the theory that most of the world is secretly governed by
a small group of men who operate behind the scenes. Conspiracy theory is now an
accepted turn of phrase but sometimes one hears the expression, sometimes
whispered rather than spoken. "The Illuminati".
What does this mean? Who are the Illuminati? They are, in essence, a cartel of
international bankers and industrialists based in Western Europe and North
America. The names of certain families persist over long periods of time. Some of
the most important names are Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan, Lazard, Warburg,
Schroder and Schiff.
The Rothschilds

The pivotal family is probably the house of Rothschild, the descendants of
Mayer Rothschild (1743 - 1812) of Frankfurt. The male descendants of this
family, for at least two generations, generally married first cousins or even
nieces. The family established banking institutions in Vienna, London, Naples
and Paris as well as Frankfurt. Ever since the middle ages, these families have
been building their power by lending money at rates of interest to the
monarchies and governments of Europe who were forever in debt, particularly in
times of war. Sooner than tax the population to raise funds, always an
unpopular measure, they usually preferred to borrow money from the
money-lenders. This was the birth of the concept "the national debt." The
countries of the world are forever in debt but where there is a debtor there is
a creditor - who is this money owed to? It is owed to this coterie of
international bankers.
By the nineteenth century the power of the Rothschild family was immense. They
increased their wealth with great cunning and cleverness, while maintaining a
low public profile. A notable example of their methods was their exploitation
of the battle of Waterloo. The Rothschilds had spies watching the course of the
battle and as soon as became evident that Wellington had won, a Rothschild
agent traveled at maximum speed to London, arriving hours before Wellington's
own messenger. Rothschild received the messenger and began conspicuously
selling his stocks. The whole stock exchange assumed that Wellington had lost
and Napoleon had won so everybody started selling, at this point, other
Rothschild agents bought up huge stocks at give-away prices. Thus an already
massive fortune was massively increased.
The Rockefeller family

The Rockefeller family may be equally important. The pivotal figure in this
family was J.D.Rockefeller, who made his fortune out of Standard Oil or Esso in
Ohio and Pennsylvania. He also controlled the railroads. When rival road
transport systems were established he attempted to block them by parking his
trains across the roads at level crossings. His basic business technique was
the elimination of competitors at all costs, followed by the establishment of a
monopoly, followed by profit taking. He rapidly gained a name for huge wealth,
secrecy and hard and dirty business practice. In his later years he had a harsh
and gaunt appearance, so to counter his bad "public image" JD more or less
invented the PR industry. He had short films of himself made, calculated to
charm the public, himself playing golf with a pretty little child for instance.
This film was shown on TV recently. It has a rather false and amateurish air
but was very effective with the public of the day.
The Rockerfellers currently have controlling interests in Exxon (the world's
biggest company) and the Chase Manhattan Bank, which turns over trillions of
dollars a week. With so many billions in their hands already, what does more
money mean? Obviously it means more power and more control over other human
beings, but to what end and in whose name?
Apparently in the name of Lucifer, the fallen angel which are the aliens (The Nephilim) also known as the bringer of
light, hence the name "Illuminati", which means "the enlightened ones". Lucifer
is also known for the characteristics of pride, deception and impermanence. The
illuminati were apparently founded in Bavaria in 1770 [1776] by one Adam
Weisshaupt, a student of the Jewish philosopher Mendelsohn, and backed by the
Rothschild family. The society has always been based on the lodges of
Freemasonry, which was taken over at the highest levels during the course of the
eighteenth century by agents of the Illuminati. Freemasonry is a very secretive
institution, to the extent that members at one level do not know what members at
another level are doing. Hence it is an organisation which is full of bonhomie
and good deeds at the lower and middle levels, while its motives and deeds at the
highest levels veer towards the dark side.
Both Freemasonry and Judaism have strong roots in the ancient Egyptian systems
of religious belief, and it was this very similarity which attracted the
illuminati to Freemasonry, for most of them were Jewish. It is a source of
controversy today to speculate whether or not they are still predominantly
Jewish. No unfair racism intended - they either are or they aren't. Certainly
there is much evidence to suggest that they are not, George Bush for instance, a
prominent illuminati figure and obviously not Jewish.
The all seeing eye on the U.S. Dollar Bill
The United States of America is
more or less a creation of Freemasonry. The symbol of Freemasonry was placed on
the cornerstone of the Whitehouse, while the assembled Freemasons lodges stood
and watched the ceremony. The famous all-seeing eye in the pyramid appears on the
one dollar bill. It is one of the main symbols of Freemasonry. This bill also
bears the inscription, in Latin, "1776, the year of inception of a new world
order". If one joins the dots formed by the stars of the thirteen original states
one obtains an exact Star of David.
The goal of the IlIuminati is total control of the world. The only nations,
which are holding out against their power, are some Islamic nations and China but
this resistance is limited because the Illuminati have crushing economic
There are certain methods of subjugation and control which are indispensable to
this power. The first is, of course, complete control over all financial systems,
all borrowing and lending. All banks, all building societies, all insurance
companies have to be under their control. At the lowest level even the smallest
bank will be forced to toe the line. At the highest level the World Bank decides
the fate of countries. It is an interesting and amazing fact that both the
Federal Reserve Bank and the Bank of England are controlled by these Illuminati
dynasties, in spite of the names of these banks, which suggest that they are run
for public benefit. It is said that both Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy wanted
to change this system.
The second essential component is control of the media. It is controlled through
business fashion. If the board meeting, or the management meeting, or the sales
meeting, or the training meeting suggests that facts should be presented in a
certain way, who is going to present them differently? There is an implied threat
to one's job and one's career. Few people would gladly face demotion,
retrenchment or the dole and most people are so ambitious they will do nearly
anything "reasonable" to court favour with their superiors. This is how business
is controlled and the media is the most important part of business, for it
controls people's minds. People are very suggestible and often lend more credence
to what they see on "the box" than to what happens on their own street. The
Illuminati know this and use this suggestibility factor to the full. Lenin's key
move during the Russian revolution was the capture of the radio station.
The third factor in the control system is the universities, and through them the
whole education system. Particular effort is put into the schools of sociology,
politics, economics and education, hence "liberal" systems of education which are
often degenerate and even violent. Their men are inserted into the universities
through the power of funding by big business. They then spread their influence
downwards through tertiary to secondary and primary education.
The fourth factor is the enormous influence wielded by two similar
organisations, The Council of Foreign Relations in the USA and the Royal
Institute of International Affairs in England. These institutions are schools for
statesmen, Illuminati statesmen. They are the stamping grounds of men such as
Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinksi and Lord Carrington. These two "think tanks"
have a crucial influence on all US and British governments, no matter which party
is "in power". The statesmen produced by these institutions can and do decide the
fate of nations.The tax-exempt foundations are also instruments of Illuminati
power. The Ford foundation and the Rockefeller foundation are two prominent
examples of this type of "charitable" institution. They were heavily involved in
supporting various communist powers when the cold war was at its height.
Communism versus capitalism arms race = more money and power for the Illuminati.
So these are some of the structures through which the Illuminati work but what
methods do they use?
Pitting one side against the other, using a theory devised by Hegel, which
is: Thesis versus antitheses - synthesis.
Every force tends to have an opposite counterforce. The conflict between the
two results in a new situation, the synthesis. The illuminati make it their
business to be the synthesis. Thus no problem situation is ever "nipped in the
bud" it is rather fostered and used, just as the Soviet Union was fostered and
The insertion of immigrant groups into countries is a variation of this divide
and rule process. Each group can be played off against the other.
"Double talk" and "double think". George Orwell knew instinctively what was
going on when he invented these two expressions:
I categorically deny = it will happen a bit later.
Peace = war by another means.
To say one thing and do another is fundamental to Illuminati practice. They
believe that the public will accept these lies through laziness and wishful
thinking. Unfortunately they are usually correct.
"Keep them busy busy busy, back on the farm with the other animals." We are kept
so busy with business (or busyness) that we do not understand or participate in
the decisions and events that will crucially affect our future.
When a real power move is made it is usually done secretly and suddenly often
with the pretence that nothing has happened. There is preparation for opposition,
but conflict is often not necessary as most people have been trained to be so
passive that they will probably not create an effective opposition.
Use of front men in important positions. These front men have the characteristic
of "servile obedience", probably because of a blot or blots on their character
which they are anxious to conceal. Most of the Presidents of the USA fall into
this category. The current situation springs to mind. Behind the opponent stands
the man with real power, who has long been groomed for this position. Men like
Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski and George Bush are in this category.
The assassination of opposing leaders as quietly and as secretly as possible, so
as to simulate a natural death. If this is not possible due to time constraints
or other limited circumstances, surrogates are used and the lines of suspicion
are covered by deception, false accusation and if necessary, multiple
assassinations. Induced heart attacks, fake motor accidents and apparent suicides
are also favoured methods of assassination.
Social engineering. An easily manipulated rabble is what is required. Mixed
population groups with weak morals, weak traditions, low educational standards
and weak group willpower are the aim. Those with special aptitudes can be taken
out and trained to serve the illuminati for technical purposes, security purposes
or as part of the propaganda apparatus. The middle class will become surplus to
requirements and will be reduced to relative poverty.
Mockery and submission of the manners and morals of societies which show any
resistance. Control of the media, the fashion industries and the education
systems are essential components in this strategy. "Free love", the cult of
youth, mockery of the Christian and Muslim faiths also fall into this category.
"I don't give a rats ass about Jesus Christ" is one recent masterpiece from one
of Hollywood's biggest starts. He probably didn't realise what he was saying,
which makes him a "useful idiot'. A "useful idiot" is much more effective than a
conscious supporter. By these means of subversion societies and nations are
conquered from within and open battle is usually not necessary.
The conduct of unrelenting economic warfare. This is the real war and continues
even while the bombs are falling and the bullets are flying. The important part
is the control of the enemy's economy after the conflict. The recent economic
crash in the far-eastern countries is in reality an assertion of the Illuminati's
economic power, an expression of economic dominance. The Illuminati now control
10-15% of the Japanese economy. This is public knowledge, that is what has been
bought at bargain prices. In reality they probably control much more.
Control and exploitation of the standards of public health. The sale of
prescription drugs is a huge business generating mega profits. Medical operations
and treatments can also be very profitable to big business. These extreme
treatments have their place but are over-used for the sake of profit.
In fact big business, particularly the big drug companies, have a vested
interest in the ill health of the population. These companies, working through
the US Food and Drug Administration, have tried to suppress the health food
industry. In this they have largely failed but now the game is to own it and
control it so that health foods can only be afforded by the elite.
Argument through defamation of character. The factual debate is ignored while
characters are defamed. This is usually a very effective technique as many human
beings are very suggestible and seem reluctant to use their reasoning abilities.
Thus a "smear campaign" can easily draw attention away from the facts.
To conclude,
It is growing increasingly evident that a world government is developing, and
many would say that it is probably no bad thing, but few have asked for what
purpose this "new world order" is created. Nor have they asked themselves what
the consequences will be.
These consequences (or some of them) will probably be as follows:
- Increasing profits for big business, increasing poverty for the middle
class (who they despise). A rapid decline in moral standards and the promotion
of social decay.
- Transience. Jobs that don't last; neighbourhoods that don't last.
- Increasing levels of crime and violence.
- Decline and demise of public services; replacement by private enterprise -
good service for the few who can afford it.
- Ongoing ill health for the bulk of the population because of stress; poor
quality foods; food additives; genetic engineering; pollution and drugs. There
may be good health for those who can afford it - only the rich and well
- The gradual phasing out of national governments, which will have powers
more like the regional governments of today.
- The formation of several conglomerations like the United States.
In time a world leader will be announced, a real one this time. A pity he will
have a cynical contempt for the most of humanity. Do we deserve it?
Article From:
Also see: Taxes and The
The Illuminati
The Illuminati is the oldest term commonly used to refer to the 13 bloodline
families (and their offshoots) that make up the backbone of this controlling
elite. Most members of the Illuminati are also members in the highest ranks of
numerous secretive and occult societies which (in many cases) extend straight
back into the ancient world.
This whole thing with the Illuminati and a Shadow Government may be unreal to
many people. Most of us can agree upon that something is very wrong with this
planet. Civil wars, diseases, famine, ethnic cleansing, religious wars, different
violations of human rights ... the list is long and it just goes on. Are all
those bad conditions totally separated from each other, or do they have a common
Throw away everything "you've been told", things "you've learnt in school",
what you've "heard on the radio", what you've "seen on Television", what
"politicians have told you" etc. We are constantly fed with propaganda, bad news,
opinions, lies and there are tons of untold secrets. Life is hectic; we have to
earn a living, and we are afraid to be laid off work. Our survival is threatened
on a daily basis, and this is the direction in which much thinking goes these
days. So what is it that causes so much fear and uncertainty in our lives? Is
life really this threatening, or is somebody creating this condition on
purpose? Much of the fear and terror is spread through Media, which is
owned by a few people at the very top of the society. And those people have their
very own agenda ...
The Illuminati (or Moriah Conquering Wind as they prefer to call
themselves these days) is a very secretive group of occult practitioners who have
been around for thousands and thousands of years. It is not a boys' club or a
group of adults parents trying to get some excitement in life; this is something
much bigger than that. This is a very well structured organization consisting of
people in extremely High Places. Those people are the Super Wealthy, who stand
above the law. Many of them don't even appear on the list of the wealthiest
people in the world - it's that secret.
This web site has a certain purpose. First of all I will try to brief you on
the current scene, especially the political one, in the world of today. When this
is done, I will try to explain what is really happening, not the false
information you get when you follow the news on Television or in the newspapers.
I will try to comment on important things we are fed with through different Media
and explain or debate them. All this based on the facts I am going to give you
soon. Also, this web site will be currently updated as new information comes in.
But to understand it all, you have to be briefed on the scene of this planet, the
version you were never meant to get - the truth certain people don't want you to
The word Illuminati means
1. People claiming to be unusually enlightened with regard to a
2. Illuminati: Any of various groups claiming special religious
Those people are the top players on the International playground, basically
belonging to the thirteen of the wealthiest families in the world, and they are
the men who really rule the world from behind the scenes (yes, they are mostly
men, with a few exceptions). They are the "Black Nobility", the Decision Makers,
who make up the rules for presidents and governments to follow, and they are
often held from public scrutiny, as their action can't stand being scrutinized.
Their bloodlines go back thousands and thousands of years, and they are very
careful with keeping those bloodlines pure from generation to generation. The
only way to do so is by interbreeding.
Their power lies in the occult and in economy - money creates power. The
Illuminati own all the International banks, the oil-businesses, the most powerful
businesses of industry and trade, they infiltrate politics and they own most
governments - or at least control them. An example of this is the American
election for presidency. It is no secret that the candidate who gets the most
sponsorship in form of money wins the election, as this gives the power to
"un-create" the opposed candidate.
And who sponsors the "right" candidate? The Illuminati do. More often than not
they sponsor both sides to have a game going. They decide who will be the next
president, and they see to that their man wins, even if they have to cheat like
they did in Florida when President George W Bush "won" over Al Gore. Most
president campaigns are financed with drug money, which is understandable if you
know that the Illuminati run the drug trade industry as well. Elections are
really not necessary, but they let us vote so we can have a game, and by letting
us, they pretend to follow the Constitution.
But is the President really running the game? Not the least. The power does
not lie with the politicians, but with the Illuminati, whose top members are
mostly International Bankers. The leading candidates for Presidency are carefully
chosen from the occult bloodlines of the thirteen Illuminati families, and if we
research all the Presidents of the United States from the beginning and up to
now, we will see that almost all of them are of the same royal bloodline, and
they are all "family"; related by >ancestry and family trees. Royalty is
equivalent to the Illuminati.
So what are the goals of the Illuminati? To create a One World Government and
a New World Order, with them on top to rule the world into slavery and fascism.
This is a very old goal of theirs, and to understand it fully, one must realize
that this goal isn't of a kind that's supposed to be obtained within one lifetime
- it has been a goal that slowly is to be accomplished over a long period of
This goal has been planned away from the public's prying eyes, in secrecy
within the Secret Societies. All Secret Societies with secret grades of
initiation are owned and controlled by the Illuminati, and Freemasonry is maybe
the best known. The persons who control the societies and the Illuminati are
occultists and Satanists, and they practice Black Magic. Their God is Lucifer.
"The Light Bearer", and by occult practices they manipulate and influence
the masses. It doesn't matter if you and I believe in this or not, as long as
they do. And they take it very seriously.
It's a thrilling thought, that this planet as a matter of fact is run with
Black Magic - a planet where magic is not supposed to exist at all in any shape
and form, except in the movies and in books, and if somebody tells you it does
exist, he/she will most certainly be ridiculed. After people have watched movies
like "Lord of the Rings" they wish there was more magic in their lives;
little do they know ...
From the occult, mind control and Intelligence have developed. By taking over
the Movie Industry, the Record companies, and by their control of the Fine Arts,
they know how to influence the teenagers to dance to their own tune and accept
their kind of reality. This makes sense if you look at what kind of
"entertainment" we are enforced to enjoy.
The music the teenagers have to listen to is often totally without quality and
lead them into robotism, apathy, violence and drugs. It's also used for mind
control, as we shall see later. Real quality music is rejected by the big record
companies in favor for those with lack of talent. Since Black Sabbath in the
beginning of the 70:s and the Rolling Stones before them, Satanism has been
promoted through the music industry. Many groups followed on the same track and
have always been Hard Sale and heavily promoted and distributed.
The same thing goes with Hollywood, which is also controlled and created by
the Illuminati. The "E.T"-movies, Dooms Day films and catastrophe-movies all
align with the purpose to influence us in certain directions. Satanic movies have
also been made popular. All to prepare for days to come ...
As I mentioned above, the men who control the Illuminati are members of
thirteen wealthy families. Who they are have been a well hidden secret, and the
leadership has gone from man to man over generations. Nevertheless, no secrecy is
kept forever, and sooner or later there will be leaks, so also in this case. Not
many people know who these families are exactly, but quite recently this has
become known, due to people from Illuminati who have left the Order and revealed
the most remarkable data. So here are the names of the 13 bloodline families -
the Secret Government:
- Astor
- Bundy
- Collins
- DuPont
- Freeman
- Kennedy
- Li(Chinese)
- Onassis.
- Reynolds
- Rockefeller
- Rothschild
- Russell
- Van
- Merovingian(European
Royal Families)
The following families are also interconnected with those above:
- Krupp
- Disney
- McDonald
Also, in addition to these three families, there are hundreds of others that
are connected more distantly to the main 13 Illuminati bloodlines. Although
significant, they are not mentioned here; they are considered less powerful and
less pure by the 13 Elite Bloodlines.
All the families above can be studied in much more detail in Fritz
Springmeier's excellent book: "The Bloodlines of the
(The Nephilim)
(Black Nobility, Illuminati, Committee 300)
Illuminatated Freemasonry, The Knights of Malta, Skull & Bones and other
secret societies, etc.
The Round Table / Royal Institute of Int. Affairs
Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign
Nation States
European Union and Trading Blocs
United Nations
Freemason hierarchy:

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