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The Rockefeller Planners

The Rockefeller Planners

The Rockefellers

by Gary Allen - Educate

Excerpted from The Rockefeller File (1976), Chapter 10

The People Planners

The Rockefellers learned nearly a century ago that there are two standard ways for one of their companies to absorb another corporation. If the firm to be acquired is much smaller, a "take over" is the simplest procedure: buy em out.

But if the competitor is more your equal, a merger- "must be arranged".

The same principles hold true among nations. No matter how much this country sends abroad as foreign aid, technical assistance, loans that are never repai4. or other largesse, there is simply no way another country -or even a bloc of countries- can be made powerful enough to take us over.

Recognizing this political fact of life, the master planners devised the strategy of a merger - a Great Merger - among nations.

But before such a merger can be consummated, and the United States becomes just another province in a New World Order, there must at least be the semblance of parity among the senior partners in the deal

How does one make the nations of the world more nearly equal?

The Insiders determined that a twoprong approach was needed, use American money and know-how to build up your competitors, while at the same time use every devious strategy you can devise to weaken and impoverish this country. The goal is not to bankrupt the United States, we must emphasize. Rather, it is to reduce our productive might, and therefore our standard of living, to the meager subsistence level of the socialized nations of the world.

Only a fascist-socialist dictatorship would have the power to accomplish such a " redistribution." Notice that the plan is not to bring the standard of living in less developed countries up to our level, but to bring ours down to meet theirs coming up.

You may be assured, however, that the Rockefellers and their allies are not talking about reducing their own quality of life. It is your standard of living which must be sacrificed on the altar of the New World Order.

The Rockefeller game plan is to use population, energy, food, and financial controls as a method of people control which will lead, steadily and deliberately, into the Great Merger. Much of the spade work for setting up this ploy is being done by Henry Kissinger, who was a personal employee of Nelson Rockefeller for a decade before Rocky placed him in the Nixon Administration. On numerous occasions Herr Kissinger has declared that his goal is to create a "New World Order." Syndicated Washington columnist Paul Scott reveals:

"It is Kissinger's belief, according to his aides, that by controlling food, one can control people, and by controlling energy, especially oil, one can control nations and their -financial systems. By placing food and oil under international control along with the world's monetary system, Kissinger is convinced a loosely knit world government operating, under the frame-work of the United Nations can become a reality before 1980."

Common sense tells us that a Rockefeller hireling such as Kissinger would not be setting up an "international control" system which takes assets from the Rockefellers and gives them to someone else. Obviously, the game plan is to take other people's assets and put them under the umbrella of a Rockefeller-controlled World Government.

This new strategy may be termed the " crisis route" to World Order. It runs parallel to and eventually will converge with the Atlantic Union treaty and regional government approach to the Universal State. Washington columnist Paul Scott calls this "the new strategy change from the direct to the indirect approach to bring about world government."

The plan, as publicly stated by the CFR's [Council on Foreign Relations-founded by the Rockefellers] Richard Gardner, part-time State Department functionary and Columbia University Professor of Law and International Organization, amounts to this:

Instead of trying to make the UN a complete world dictatorship immediately, the Establishment will identify different problems in different countries. Then they will propose a "solution," which can only be achieved by some kind of international agency, so that each country concerned will be forced to surrender another segment of its national independence. Gardner considers this piecemeal approach the practical road to the end of nationhood.

We are likely to do better by building our "house of world order - from the bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great - booming, buzzing confusion" to use William James' facetious description of reality; but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, is likely to get us to world order faster than the old-fashioned frontal assault.

So this is what the Rockefeller gang, working through agents like Kissinger and Gardner, have in mindan "end run around national sovereignty." Gardner continues, with obvious glee:

"The hopeful aspect of the present situation is that even as nations resist appeals for' world government'and 'the surrender of sovereignty,' technological, economic and political interests are forcing them to establish more and more far-ranging institutions to manage their mutual interdependence."

One of the most obvious back-door approaches to World Order is through the control of food [and water..Ken] . The ploy is to establish a World Food Bank, with the necessary goodies supplied (naturally) by the United States. The concept was proposed at the International Monetary Fund Conference in Nairobi by long-time Rockefeller front man Robert S McNamara (CFR). R. StrangeMcNamara (yes, that really is his middle name) was made president of the World Bank after he had successfully completed his earlier assignment of crippling this country's military might [Johnson Administration during Vietnam War]. McNamara advocated the food-producing nations of the world surrender their surpluses to a " world authority," which would then take charge of redistributing the bounty to the 'have-not" nations. The topic was to be discussed at the UN's World Food Conference in Rome in November 1974. Between the time of the original proposal and the Rome conference, Richard Nixon was shuftIed into an early retirement and was replaced by a compliant Gerald Ford:

One of Ford's first official acts was to go before the UN General Assembly and assure the international flotsam gathered there that the voice of the Rockefeller's Charlie McCarthy, Henry Kissinger, was the very voice of America in all matters pertaining to international relations. Later, Ford announced that the Secretary of State would appear as keynote speaker on behalf of the United States at the upcoming World Food Conference, superseding the more logical choice, Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz, who was the official head of the US delegation. Of the hundreds of political commentators around the country, only Paul Scott had the courage to assess the implications ofFord's actions:

"Whether he fully realizes it or not, President Ford has put his stamp of approval on Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's grand design foreign policy for the establishment of a loosely knit world government before the end of the 1970s.

By calling for the development of a global strategy and policy for food and oil within the structure of the United Nations, the President clearly signaled his acceptance of the 'new international order' being sought by Kissinger."

Scott went on to point out that instead of using this nation's enormous food production as a weapon of US foreign policy, to promote the expansion of freedom throughout the world, Ford accepted Kissinger's plan of passing policy control over US food surpluses, "and eventually all US food " to a national food bank.

Herr Henry made no bones about the fact that all of this is designed to further the New World Order. He told the delegates at Rome: "We are faced not just with the problem of food but with the accelerating momentum of our interdependence." And our-man in Rome went even further; he declared we should "make global cooperation in food a model, for our response to other challenges of an interdependent world - energy, inflation, population, protection of the environment."

Agriculture Secretary Earl Butz admitted of the proposed food bank that "in the end it will be the American taxpayer who pays for it." Who else? And the fact that worldwide distribution of our food will inevitably create food shortages and skyrocketing prices in America has not been overlooked by the Rockefeller conspirators. That is part of the plan.

And before you conclude that any such program would be emphatically rejected by an angry American electorate, remember this: by the time the plan is implemented, the UN will have an army to back up its looting of America! [called the "MJTF", Multi-Joint Task Force, and "PFP", Partnership for Peace. that is insinuated with the American military and Police Departemnts throughout America..Ken]. Doubtless the clan's minions in the bureaucracy and the media will refer to the planned food shortage as a mandatory national diet program.

The whole thrust of the Rome gathering was that it is the obligation of the United States-which means you, the worker and taxpayer -to feed the world. This, despite the fact that for years America has supplied more than 80 % of the food given to foreign countries. It is such American giveaways that in recent years have provided over $25 billion in foodstuffs to such ingrates as Marxist India, now a dictatorship openly allied with the Soviet Union, where the bulk of our grains winds up feeding rats, not hungry people.

While US reserves of food and feed grains are already being depleted, Russia and Communist China have quietly been using part of their massive purchases of bargain-priced American grain to build up their stockpiles. Crews of US and foreign ships carrying US grain to Russian and Chinese ports have been told by Communist dock workers that every third or fourth shipment of US grain is being placed in permanent storage facilities as part of those countries 'national reserves'.

At least $200 billion in such aid has been similarly squandered to more than 125 nations-including more millions now going to members of the OPEC cartel, which has quadrupled oil prices. To pay for all of these giveaways, the Insiders who run the show have used printing press inflation money to add hundreds of billions of dollars to our National Debt. This, coupled with the consequent reduction of domestic supplies, has sent our own food prices out of sight.

But, at least in the past, our stupidity was of our own doing and under our own control. Informed Americans could have stopped it-and could still stop it today-by throwing the Congressmen who voted for the giveaways out of office. In the future, when the Rockefeller Kissinger plan for the international authority over food is implemented, our food supply will no longer be under our control. What then?

Increasingly we hear plaintive bleats from the Rockefellers' sheep in the media, calling for Americans to make increased sacrifices to feed the rest of the world. Incredible as it may seem, the truth-twisters of the airwaves and press are attempting to make us feel guilty that we are not starving.

None of these Rockefeller lackeys dares suggest, of course, that the difference between American agricultural production and the poverty levels of the so-called -have not- nations is the difference between individualism [true free enterprise-with competition-and private entrepreneurship], with its reliance on private property and free enterprise, and feudalism-fascismsocialism-collectivism. It is the difference between incentives and a planned economy; between efficiency and wasteful boondoggles; between a million salesmen pushing the "too much" - and a million ration clerks dividing up the "too little."

This is not to say America's agricultural system is perfect. To the extent that we have instituted price supports and subsidies, paying men not to grow food, we have suffered. Nevertheless, the success of American agriculture under freedom is a model the rest of the world should be encouraged to copy.

But if more nations achieved independence in food production, much of the impetus for world government would disappear faster than a freeloader when the check arrives. In order for the Rockefellers to achieve their New World Order, first they must create famines and the fear of further suffering [this is where the Doom & Gloomers like Steve Quayle or Amitakh Stanford or Sorcha Faal or Art Bell for that matter, serve the NWO agenda..Ken]

All that is required to create a famine is to put all agriculture under control of government bureaucracy, then wait awhile. The bigger the bureaucracy, the shorter the wait, and international bureaucracy is the best at producing red tape, instead of wheat.

Intertwined with the food production grab is the push for population control. People planning are an important tool in building the net that will drag us fishes into the New World Order. The 'population bomb' real or exaggerated, is being used in conjunction with food, energy, and international money 'problems' as part of the One-Big-Brother snare.

Coinciding with the UN-sponsored conferences in Nairobi and Rome, the United Nations sponsored the World Population Conference at Bucharest, Romania in August 1974. Headlining the program was none other than John D. Rockefeller III, who proclaimed: "I come to Bucharest with an urgent call for a deep and probing reappraisal of all that has been done in the population field. I have changed my mind and now believe family planning alone is not adequate. "

An Associated Press report explained:

"- Rockefeller ... has for years been one of the world's leading advocates of family planning. He donated millions of dollars toward population research and is founder and chairman of the Population Council, a private US organization funded [millions of dollars] largely by the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations."

The wire service continued:

"His speech reflected the viewpoint voiced at this conference by many members of the Third World and Socialist [that is, Communist] countries."

John D. III obviously felt right at home behind the Iron Curtain, as he called for a redistribution of wealth and piously proclaimed that modem development should emphasize "inequitable distribution of the fruits of progress."

In his remarks to the gathering of people planners, the eldest of the Royal Rockefellers made three main points:

First, he echoed the Communist line that the rich must give their wealth to the 'poor'.

Second, he asserted that voluntary family planning is inadequate and called for Big Brother to start dictating whether or not a couple is permitted to have a baby.

Third, in calling for -moderate levels of consumption- in advanced nations, Rockefeller advocated that Americans voluntarily reduce their standard of living.

The fact that it is a little incongruous-not to say hypocritical-for a man whose family is worth uncounted millions, who has thousands of servants, hundreds of luxurious homes and lives in an opulence unknown by the oriental potentates of yore, to ask the rest of his fellow citizens to scale down their living standards, went unnoticed in the New York Times. But to belabor the obvious, whose wealth do you think Rockefeller wants 'to share', yours or his?

Going along with the call by Rockefeller (who claimed the 'United Nations is the world's highest authority' for governmental control over people), the conference set in motion the machinery to institutionalize the totalitarian demands of the Stop the Storkers.

The Washington Post ,a chief Establishment mouthpiece, has discussed the Nazi like policies being advocated by the people planners:

"The day may be approaching when couples will have to prove eligibility and demonstrate qualifications before they are permitted to become parents."

Or there may be baby ration cards for couples, group marriages, mass distribution of anti-fertility drugs, parent licensing, legal Polygamy, abortions on demand, more varied life options for women and more restricted ones for men-such as forced paternity leave for new fathers.

Understand that such enforced infertility is not planned for India or Senegal, but for the United States, where zero population growth is already a fact.

All this, despite the provable fact that there is ample room on earth for all of us-in fact if every man woman and child in the entire world moved to the State of Washington, (twentieth in size of all the states), each would have 490 square feet of space.v

But we are being led to believe that unless we give Big Brother total power over people's rights to have children, we will all be ankle deep in human beings within a decade. Such august organizations as the National Academy of Sciences are helping to hawk this Rockefeller line, with doomsday messages such as:

"There can be no doubt concerning the long-term prognosis. Either the birth rate of the world must come down or the death rate must go up."

This is not to discount the possibility that overpopulation, particularly in backward nations, cannot be a genuine problem. But, if the Rockefellers were truly interested in curbing population growth without enslaving everybody, there is a much better solution. When a country's standard of living goes up, the birth rate goes down-voluntarily. Assist nations such as India and Red China to benefit by the adoption of free market, private property principles, and the abundance produced by such newly free peoples would astound the world. The Rockefellers, however, are interested in more controls, not fewer problems.

The specious Rockefeller argument that the world must accept Mao-style people control or perish is so phony that it is amazing the conspirators have gotten anyone to buy it. As Reverend R. J. Rushdoony points out in his excellent book, The Myth of Overpopulation:

"Socialism always creates ultimately an imbalance between the number of people living and their food supply, which results in hunger or famine. There is in this sense therefore always a problem of overpopulation under socialism. Socialism, moreover, affects both the food supplies, by limiting it, and also the population, by both expanding it at one stage and limiting it at another."

To the Rockefellers, socialism is not a system for redistributing wealth - especially not for redistributing their wealth -but a system to control people and competitors. Socialism puts power in the hands of the government. And since the Rockefellers control the government, government control means Rockefeller control. You may not have known this, but you can be sure they do!

When the Rockefellers join the UN's WorId Population Conference in calling for the promotion "of a new economic order by eradicating the cause of worId poverty, by ensuring the equitable distribution of the world resources, by eliminating the injustices of existing world trade systems and exploitation perpetrated by capitalistic ... corporations, " something smells as fishy as an unwashed tuna boat.

Curbing population growth is just part of the Rockefeller war on the American family. Abortion is another. According to John H. Knowles, president of the Rockefeller Foundation and one of America's foremost promoters of the slaughter of the unborn, the goal of the FoundatIon is to achieve the capacity in America for 1.8 million abortions every year.

Not coincidentally, it was John D. Rockefeller III who was appointed by Richard Nixon as chairman of the newly created Commission on Population Growth and the American Future. In accepting the appointment, John D III pontificated:

" The average citizen doesn't appreciate the social and economic implications of population growth and what it does to the quality of all our lives. Rather than think of popuhition control as a negative thing, we should see that it can be enriching."

One of the early reports of the Rockefeller Commission recommended:

"... that present state laws restricting abortion be liberalized along the lines of the New York State Statute, such abortions to be performed on request by duly licensed physicians under conditions of medical safety."

And the Commisssion further suggested that federal, state, and local governments make funds available to support abortion services in states with liberalized statutes. 'Rockefeller is so callous about individual beliefs that he would forcibly extract money from Catholic taxpayers, among others, to fmance what their religion teaches is the murder of the unborn. Tough rocks, says the Rock:"Religious preconceptions must be overcome."

The New York model abortion law which chairman John enthusiastically applauded was passed, of course, under the leadership of brother Nelson Rockefeller. During the Vice Presidential confirmation hearings, Dr. Charles Rice, Professor of Law at the Notre Dame Law School, characterized Nelson as "the incarnate symbol of the anti-life movement" and said that Mr. Rockefeller "is perhaps the leading proponent of permissive abortion in the United States."

The Rockefellers have even financed the establishment of an abortion mill. In the summer of 1971, Planned Parenthood in New York City opened its first large scale abortion center, a prototype for the development of additional centers throughout the city, state, and nation. The center was originally designed to perform more than 10 000 abortions a year for an average fee of $80, with funds provided in many cases by Medicaid. The initial funds to establish the abortion mill came from a $200,000 pledge from The Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

The past three generations of Rockefellers have not been notoriously considerate of other people's feelings and beliefs. When a group of pro-life activists picketed a speech by Nelson Rockefellerin Nebraska, the loveable old politician told a 15 year old girl: "Don't knock it [abortion], girl, you might need one someday."

In all wars this nation has fought, from the battle of Lexington in 1776 through the last fatality in Vietnam, American combat deaths totaled 668, 226 men. Yet, in just the single year of 1972, 700,000 innocent babies were killed in this country, legally, befure they could draw their first breath. (Current estimates are that this figure could increase to 1.6 million abortions a year.)

That is the price of the Rockefellers' promotion of easy abortion in the United States. But it is just part of the price all of us will pay (and pay, and pay), if the people planners succeed in herding all of us into their New World Order.

Yes, the Rockefellers are planners. As John D.'s aide, Fred Gates, once confessed: "In our dreams we have limitless resources and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands."

Now, thanks to the taxpayers, the Rockefellers have almost limitless funds. As a result, faceless bureaucrats in Washington whom you did not hire and whom you cannot fire -now tell you how to run your business, whom you may hire, where your children will be bussed to school, what products you can purchase, and even what foods you can (and cannot) eat. It is only a matter of time until the dictocrats tell you how many children you are permitted to have.

There is nothing wrong with planning. The question is who is doing it. Our Founding Fathers believed people should be free to plan their own lives. The Rockefellers believe their agents in the federal government must plan your life for you. It is a simple choice: Will you run your own life, or will you be forced to obey the dictates ofbureaucrats, social workers, college professors, sociologists, psychologists, and others who are fronting for the House of Rockefeller?

Nelson is very candid about it. In an October 1975 interview in Playboy magazine, Rocky admitted:

"I'm a great believer in planning. Economic, social, political, military, total world planning." (Emphasis added. )

When Big Brother arrives, he may well be wearing horn-rimmed glasses.

Gary Allen

Epilogue to the book, The Rockefeller File (Pub.1976)

by Gary Allen

Now you have read the most important contents in The Rockefeller File. The assembled evidence is almost overwhelming, isn't it? And yet we have left out reams of important material.

This book was originally targeted for 144 pages. But we wound up with over 260 pages -even after omitting a great deal of explosive material. In order to keep the cost from climbing through the ceiling, we settled for the size you are reading. If we have not convinced you of the dangerous power of the House of Rockefeller in 200 pages, you probably would not believe another 200 pages anyway.

We deeply regret not using the voluminous files of research, all on very important subjects, which were gathered for this book. Several volumes could be written on Rockefeller efforts to involve America in World War I, World War II, Korea and Vietnam -and the profits they made from those conflicts. The alliance between Nazi Germany and the Rockefellers is truly shocking. (Hitler's Luftwaffe ran on Standard Oil petrol, and the Rockefellers were partners in I. G. Farben Industries, whose thousands of war products included the poison gas used in Nazi death camps.) The no-win war in Vietnam was almost totally engineered, from its foolish beginning to its disastrous conclusion, by CFR minions.

Nothing has been said about Nelson's tenure as Governor of New York. We did not relate how he quadrupled state spending; We did not cover his campaign promises not to raise taxes-which were always followed by increases- after he was elected. Neither have we touched upon Rocky's edifice complex, such as the $1.5 billion Albany Mall or his creation of "moral obligation bonds" to finance projects the voters had rejected.

Lack of space prevents us from discussing the Rockefeller power-play behind the myriad regional government plans, which would abolish city, county and state lines thus destroying traditional local government and putting the citizens at the mercy of un elected (and unremovable) federal bureaucrats. The Family is also the prime mover behind the push for "land use" controls which would allow the government to dictate to you what you can or cannot do with your own property.

But all of these stories will have to wait for another book. We can summarize all of those bulging files of research material by saying that the Rockefellers want federal control of everything. Since they intend to control the federal government, either directly or from behind the scenes, this means that they will control everything. And when they control everything, they will control everybody.

We have shown that the House of Rockefeller is worth billions of dollars -and has considerable leverage over hundreds of billions more, through influence over the mega-banks, financial institutions, manufacturing and petroleum production.

The Family has used foundations to preserve and multiply their wealth, and to mold public opinion through education, the media and religion. Through their Council on Foreign Relations [CFR] they have extended their influence in government, the Federal Reserve, communications and education. An unquenched, ruthless. psychopathic lust for monopolistic power has motivated three generations of Rockefellers. Because America is a large, diverse and decentralized nation, it has taken them a hundred years to complete the scaffold which would strangle freedom. Now they are ready to put the rope around our necks and trip the lever.

The question is: Can we cut the rope before the Rockefellers drop the trap door? The most honest and realistic answer is: Perhaps.

Let's not kid ourselves; resisting the power arrayed against us won't be easy. Many persons who have read this far won't even try-they will decide that it is hopeless and simply return to their business interests or their bridge games. Others might decide that their best course is to support the House of Rockefeller! Switching sides and joining with your oppressors is as old as war. But if you haven't already been tapped, you are probably too late. The House of Rockefeller doesn't need you. (Sorry, Charlie!)

Unfortunately, some newly awakened patriots will go off on wild, impractical schemes. They may want to haul the Rockefellers before the courts in an attempt to put them in jail for their crimes and strip them of their power. But, let's face it, this is not going to happen. And such ill conceived crusades end up hurting the cause of freedom far more than they help. There is, however, an Achilles heel in the Rockefeller plan for world dictatorship. It is that a Rockefeller triumph depends on their continued control of the US government. If their influence in the federal government were removed, all of their Hitlerian dreams for world conquest would collapse. (Not that Nelson and David would spend the rest of their lives in rags, but at least you wouldn't either.)

Rockefeller control over the Executive branch of our government is deeply entrenched. The voters, for example, cannot fIre the State Department bureaucracy. But there is a solution.

If a buzz saw suddenly went berserk and was ripping your house to pieces, what would you do? You would pull the plug, of course. The same thing must be done to the Rockefeller conspirators.The way to pull the plug on them is to gain control of the House of Representatives. All government spending bills must originate in the House. And Congress could refuse to pass any law pushing us further into World Government. We need 225 Congressmen who have the guts to say NO to the Rockefellers.

The Rockefellers can control key bureaucrats; they can buy and intimidate too many Senators. But a member of the House with enough character and enough support can remain independent of the Rockefeller Family.

The problem is that too many citizens listen to what a candidate says during the campaign, and then promptly forget about the issues-and what he does about them after the election. A Congressman may go to Washington with good intentions, but succumb to the Rockefellers' siren song after he gets there. The pressures are tremendous. He is told that in order to get along, he must go along. If he goes along, his district gets fat government grants and contracts. If he doesn't go along, a Rockefeller-supported demagogue may defeat him in the next election.

What we must have is a "Truth In Advertising" standard for politicians. If you buy a product to do a specifIc job you expect it to do that job. Why should you expect less from elected politicians? We believe it is time to end the "vote and hope" system of elections, where you hope the new Congressman votes in the interest of his country after he gets to Washington. The usual result is that the constituency gets sold down the river. (A prime example is the confirmation of Nelson Rockefeller for the Vice Presidency when Congressional mail ran 24 to 1 against approval.)

We think any candidate worth supporting should sign an elementary contract before you agree to contribute to his campaign or otherwise support him.

'76 PRESS has prepared such a contract, a copy of which appears on the next page. Any political candidate who will hem, haw, double-talk or waffle in an effort to weasel out of signing such a "Truth In Politics" contract will surely not stand up to the blandishments of the Rockefellers once he is elected. Forget him. Be especially leery of the smiling, glad-handing, all- things - to-all- people moderate type of candidate [for example, the media-ballyhooed and well-funded promotional appearances of U.S. Senator Barack Obama ...] . Such a "middle of the roader" will often compromise on the key issues and still manage to get re-elected time and time again. He is the most dangerous of all politicians.

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George W Bush Fulfills Dad's Dream Of A New World Order

George W Bush Fulfills Dad's Dream Of A New World Order


Full Steam Ahead For "The Invasion" & The American Union

Government funded drug running cartels, secret illegal social security programs and Pesos for Pizzas. What happened to the United States of America?

Steve Watson & Alex Jones
Monday, January 8, 2007

Recent disturbing incidents on the US/Mexico border, coupled with mainstream news reports concerning government aiding of illegal immigration serves to once again remind US citizens that the sovereign borders are systematically being broken down and the country is being quietly amalgamated into a Pan American Union.

Last week it was reported that a U.S. Border Patrol entry Identification Team site was overrun by a team of armed Mexicans Wednesday night along Arizona's border with Mexico, somewhere along the 120 mile section of the border between Nogales and Lukeville, an area known for being a drug corridor.

The guard were forced to flee as troops are not allowed to apprehend illegal entrants and do not carry armed weapons.

"We don't know if this was a matter of somebody coming up accidentally on the individuals, coming up intentionally on the individuals, or some sort of a diversion?" said Rob Daniels, Border Patrol Tucson Sector spokesman. "We just don't know and that's why everything's got to be looked into."

Imagine if muslims or Arabs were caught shooting at national guard and overrunning them, we would never hear the end of it. This incident however, is the latest in a long line of stories that barely reach the footnotes of the local nightly news.

In late 2005 there were dozens of American citizens kidnapped over the Texas border and taken down to Mexico and held. This was kept very quiet. There was a huge stand off, some were killed. 800+ US citizens were killed on the Texas border in 2005, hundreds more were killed in 2006.

There are over a million illegal aliens, conservatively, in Houston alone. There have been multiple car bombings there, and in Dallas, which have quietly been attributed to illegals and forgotten about.

We have previously covered multiple instances of armed Mexican troops straying over the borders and even firing at and killing federal officers.

Last month CNS news reported that Texas sheriffs and lawmakers are routinely threatened, fired upon and overrun by US TRAINED gun-toting members of the Mexican military, crossing regularly into U.S. territory, where they are partnering with drug cartels and criminal gangs to protect sophisticated smuggling operations.

We have also exposed how illegal immigration is being used by drug commando organizations such as Los Zetas (pictured) to gain unrestricted passage into the US.

Former DEA agents have come forth declaring that such groups, admittedly trained by the US Government are being used as front groups for CIA and government controlled narcotics operations. To shut down illegal immigration and strengthen the borders would go some way to prevent such lucrative activities, therefore it's a government no-no.

The open plan to merge the US with Mexico and Canada and create a Pan American Union has long been a Globalist brainchild but its very real and prescient implementation on behalf of the Council on Foreign Relations has finally also been reported on by mainstream news outlets.

The Union is the globalist cabal's meal ticket towards raping an entire continent of its resources and sovereign capabilities. Strengthening the borders is not on the Agenda here, the American Union is all about DISSOLVING the borders.

The framework on which the American Union is being pegged is the NAFTA Super Highway, a four football-fields-wide leviathan that stretches from southern Mexico through the US up to Montreal Canada. Toll roads are to be placed upon existing roads in Security Prosperity Partnership agreements that bypasses Congress, agreements between the bureaucracies of the US and Mexican governments, to raise capital to build the Super highway that will go South of Texas and into Mexico.

Coupled with Bush's blanket amnesty program, which the Democrats in congress are set to approve this week as their first order of business, the Pan American Union is the final jigsaw piece for the total dismantling of America as we know it.

We have also seen in the past how "immigration control efforts" such as Real ID, boosting troops on the borders and building fences are simply smoke and mirrors behind which lie methods of control, outrageous elitist profiteering and the destruction of freedom.

The truth is that immigration is too profitable for the elite, both in the US and in Mexico, to put a stop to it. In late December 2005, Mexican President Vicente Fox hired a GOP lobbying firm to sweeten political sentiment in the US towards Mexicans and the immigration issue.

The Mexican government is now even giving illegals hand-held satellite navigation devices in order to facilitate their safe journey across the desert.

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Quietly. Quietly Building The North Americian Union

Quietly. Quietly Building The North Americian Union

by Steven Yates - October 5, 2006

While ordinary Americans were reflecting on the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, globalists of Canada, the U.S. and Mexico were making their way quietly, quietly, to Banff, Alberta for the North American Forum held at the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel Sept. 12–14. The meeting was closed-doors. According to some reports buses with attendees were arriving at night. There was no print media coverage in the U.S. and very little in Canada; I was able to download an article from the Toronto-based Star. Those who do not get their news from the Internet remain in the dark about one of the biggest unfolding events of the present decade: the globalist social engineering of a North American Union.

WorldNetDaily was able to obtain materials marked Internal Document, Not For Public Release. The whistleblower, Mel Hurtig, noted Canadian author, publisher, and leader of the National Party of Canada, told WorldNetDaily that the “secret meeting was designed to undermine the democratic process…. It was clear that the intention was to keep this important meeting about integrating the three countries out of the public eye.”

Representing the U.S. in Banff was Former U.S. Secretary of State George Schulz. Representing Mexico was Former Mexican Finance Minister Pedro Aspe. Representing Canada was Former Premier of Alberta, Peter Lougheed. The first session featured opening comments by each. The sessions that followed had names like, “A Vision for North America: Issues and Options,” “Toward a North American Energy Strategy,” “Demographic and Social Dimensions of North American Integration,” and “Border Infrastructure and Continental Prosperity.”

The event was co-hosted by the Canadian Council of Chief Executives, the business wing of Canada’s superelite, and the Canada West Foundation, a “think tank” that has been promoting regional integration.

Prominent on the panel of the “Vision for North America” session was none other than Robert Pastor, who might go down in history as the Father of the North American Union. Paster is the author of Toward A North American Community (2001) published by the globalist Institute for International Economics. He chairs the Council on Foreign Relations’ Task Force on North America and served as lead author of the CFR’s Building a North American Community (May 2005). Among other things, this document proposes a North American “security perimeter” around all three nations by 2010. It was this that inspired CNN commentator Lou Dobbs to wonder, last summer, if our elites “had gone mad.”

Providing the keynote address at the Banff confab was our very own Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, U.S. Department of Defense. Rummy’s speech was entitled, “Opportunities for Security Cooperation in North America: Military-to-Military Cooperation.”

When the powerful begin reading papers on “cooperation” between the military hierarchies of three nations, are there really grounds for doubt that we are looking at compromises of U.S. sovereignty and possibly security on an unprecedented scale? Currently there is a North American Cooperative Security Act, sponsored also in 2005 and languishing in committee, but doubtless far from dead. The plan here is to integrate Mexican and Canadian security forces into the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

The terms security and prosperity were bandied about freely. This, of course, ties the North American Forum—actually the second (the first, at Sonoma, Calif. in October 2005 was also held in maximum secrecy)—to the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP), now housed in the NAFTA office of the U.S. Department of Commerce where it has received the full backing of our Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez.

The watchword, however, was deep integration, which Pastor, the CFR, and outfits like the Canada West Foundation have been promoting. The many working groups created under the SPP umbrella are currently “harmonizing” regulations by all three governments on food, drugs, the environment, electronic commerce, rules of origin, textiles and apparel labeling, movements of capital and labor, and foreign policy. The various working groups have signed “memoranda of understanding” or “frameworks of common principles”—or are working on such—in all these areas.

If there’s anything you can take to the bank, this “harmonizing” process is not about, e.g., increasing food and drug safety for the people; it is about making life easier (and profits fatter) for the superelite CEOs in leviathan-sized food and pharmaceutical corporations—wired to leviathan-sized governments through public-private partnerships. What is likely is that food safety will go down, and consumers’ choices of, say, dietary supplements over expensive, poorly tested and therefore possibly hazardous pharmaceuticals will begin to be restricted. Major globalists, we ought to note, are well connected to the multibillion dollar pharmaceutical industry. Rummy owns over $5 million in stock in Gilead Sciences, the company that developed Tamiflu® and sold it to Roche, the pharmaceuticals giant. George Schulz owns more than $7 million in Gilead Sciences stock and unlike Rummy, actually sits on the company’s board. At one time, the concept conflict of interest would have applied. Today, those in the transnational globalist class do as they please, unencumbered by considerations of ethics, law, or Constitution.

When confronted, shills for the power elite (including on the SPP website, which for the past several weeks has sported a disinformational “Myths and Facts” section) insist that its goals are benign. They just want to increase the prosperity of the three nations so as to better compete with the booming economies of China and India, as well as the European Union, while also ensuring the safety of our peoples in an age of terrorism. The sovereignty and independence of Canada, Mexico and the U.S., they insist, will be respected.

But if the superelites of the three nations have the populations’ best interests in mind, then why the secrecy? Why have the agendas (and memberships) of the various working groups of the SPP been kept out of sight, not even available on the SPP website? Why does the latter’s “Myths and Facts” describe the SPP as only a “dialogue” between the leadership of the three nations when it is clearly much more than that? Why has it been necessary to invoke the Freedom of Information Act to penetrate the wall of secrecy?

Geri Wood, SPP Secretary, told Jerome R. Corsi that the working groups did not want to be “distracted by answering calls from the public.”

What incredible arrogance!

There is now a North American Competitiveness Council whose advisory board involves representatives from corporations including Wal-Mart, Chevron, General Motors, Lockheed Martin, and others. The NACC met in Washington in mid-August, but we have almost no information because again what was said was kept out of public view and this time we have (so far) no whistleblowers.

There is also a North American Energy Security Initiative, a North American Steel Trade Committee, an Automotive Partnership Council of North America, and a North American Aviation Trilateral, among other transnational bureaucracies formed under the SPP umbrella. Work is underway towards North American Emergency Management and towards Smart, Secure Borders (now there’s a phrase apt to make Orwell spin in his grave!).

There is also the Trans-Texas Corridor (TTC), or NAFTA Superhighway, construction on which is scheduled to begin in 2007 by public-private partnerships (a foreign corporation, Spain’s Cintra, has already signed a contract). This system, which will parallel I-35 running north from Mexico all the way to Canada, with a branch extending I-69 also going to Canada through Port Huron, Mich. TTC-35 will consist of six lanes for passenger cars, four for trucks, a rails system, lines for telecommunications, oil and natural gas pipelines, etc. Its size across has been estimated at four football fields; construction will result in the taking of over 500,000 acres of land from farmers and ranchers in Texas alone through eminent domain. This puts last year’s roundly (and rightly) condemned Supreme Court decision in Kelo v. New London, Conn. in a new light!

There are, finally, the expected incursions into education which have been going on roughly during what we may come to call the SPP era. Students everywhere, at all levels from elementary school to colleges and universities, are being encouraged to think globally—to think of themselves as “world citizens,” which means supporting regionalism and downplaying loyalty to their own nations. Last year a group of students from ten universities spread across the U.S., Canada and Mexico met for a simulated “model Parliament,” the organizers declaring: “A North American Parliament is born.” The universities included Harvard and Robert Pastor’s home base American University, as well as Simon Fraser University and Universite de Montreal representing Canada and Monterrey University and Ecole nationale d’administration publique representing Mexico. The event, sponsored by the Canada-based North American Forum on Integration (NAFI), yet another think tank promoting deep integration, was held in the Mexican Senate last May. Pastor is on the NAFI board of directors.

The superelite has indeed been busy of late! Also meeting in September, this time in Miami (Sept. 15) was the Miami Herald Americas Conference. Attendees of this confab included more business and governmental elites from Latin and South America. They focused on “free trade agreements, open democracies and security.” One attendee in particular is worth noting: Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, our El Presidente’s brother, who gave the keynote address. Gov. Bush hailed our El Presidente as the “chief Latin Americanist” in Washington. He further let the cat out of the bag by urging Congress to pass “fast track” trade promotion legislation this fall that would authorize President Bush to reopen negotiations on the stalled Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), the superelite’s long-term goal for the Western hemisphere.

The superelite had originally hoped to implement their FTAA by 2005, but didn’t count on the level of grass roots opposition either here or by influential South American leaders such as Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez. Chavez’s economics are wrong and I don’t think he correctly identifies his enemy—it isn’t President Bush personally or even “American hegemony,” but rather the emerging New International Economic Order which is transnational and globalist. As a populist, however, his instincts are sound. He understands that an FTAA would benefit the superelite—many of them based in America—at the expense of his people. To elites like Florida’s Gov. Bush, this is just capitalism: “I believe in entrepreneurial capitalism from the top of my head to the tip of my toes.” When superelite domination of national economies is equated with free market “capitalism” and no one with visibility questions it, should we wonder when the Hugo Chavezes of the world move “leftward”?

It may be useful to examine a brilliant article by Christopher S. Bentley’s entitled “Immigration & Integration,” from the July 24 issue of The New American. Bentley outlined in very clear fashion how “free trade” rhetoric is taking us into regional government and will proceed from there to world government. “Free trade” is a core tool of the emerging New World Order, currently building transnational corporatist “capitalism” that (given the collectivist ethos being ruthlessly promoted in schools at all levels) they expect will evolve naturally and easily into global socialism with the superelite wielding absolute power.

Bentley outlines the process occurs in five steps, or phases.

First, the superelite creates a free trade area. This lowers barriers to the trade of goods and services among member nations, while quietly instituting a raft of political and bureaucratic controls. This was done in Europe in the late 1940s. In North America, think NAFTA / CAFTA.

Second, it creates a customs union, which adds a common external trade policy and expands the bureaucracy to implement it. Think of that common “security perimeter” planned for North America.

Third, it creates a common market, which ends restrictions on migration and allows labor and capital to move freely across increasingly meaningless national borders of member states. “This,” Bentley wrote, “is exactly what is behind the Bush Administration’s fanatical zeal to implement its guest worker / amnesty program.” Indeed, the Bush regime’s immigration policy—or lack of—makes perfect sense if we simply accede that Bush is committed philosophically to a borderless, globalized world.

Fourth, it develops the foregoing into an economic union—which requires a fully harmonized regulatory structure, a common currency, a common tax policy and a common fiscal policy. Robert Pastor and others have advocated replacing the dollar and the peso with a common North American currency that would be called the amero.

The fifth and final phase, political union, follows almost naturally, given that since Keynes the idea of an economy—national or global—not regulated to the teeth by bureaucrats hasn’t been on anyone’s radar. Political union develops out of the system of public-private partnerships, yielding a symbiosis between international bankers, other corporations, and the governmental-bureaucratic establishment.

The EU is practically to this point, its Parliament able to implement significant elements of the EU Constitution despite member nations like France and the Netherlands getting cold feet last year.

These phases are, in the last analysis, not separable but part of a single guided process. The SPP working groups and attendees of meetings like this North American Forum are taking us in the same direction as Europe at breakneck speed. NAFTA’s Chapter 11 tribunals actually begin laying in place the final phase of the process by reviewing U.S. court decisions. If you have an internationalized legal process, then as enforcement mechanisms fall into placce you are on your way to political union under a regional, hegemonic authority.

Thus what has taken the superelite took over 50 years to accomplish in Europe could be done in North America in about half the time. Not helping matters is the American sheeple’s indifference to what doesn’t affect them directly and immediately. We will still have a geographical entity known as the U.S. Much of our political infrastructure will doubtless remain essentially intact. The sheeple will doubtless continue to have their sports contests every Saturday and the latest Survivor on prime time. The globalists, after all, want the masses to stay entertained, and they probably don’t care how the sheeple entertain themselves so long as the economy keeps humming. But they will have complete control over everything of real importance, being able to overrule whatever court decisions or Congressional legislation they decide contravenes official globalist policy. Our Constitution will be history. To be sure, we barely have a Constitution now. But at least our national elites must pay lip service to Constitutional government.

When transnational committees of unelected bureaucrats begin overruling our laws and precedents—or if elected officials bow to globalism on their own (as Calif. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has done with NAFTA regulations on occasion)—we will know that Constitutional government is dead in America. The superelite will then be free to do as they please, which will probably be to begin integrating North America and Europe into a larger union. Other groups around the world are working towards integrating other regions including the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Africa, and elsewhere.

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Full Steam Ahead For "The Invasion" & The American Union

Full Steam Ahead For "The Invasion" & The American Union

Government funded drug running cartels, secret illegal social security programs and Pesos for Pizzas. What happened to the United States of America?

Steve Watson & Alex Jones
Monday, January 8, 2007

Recent disturbing incidents on the US/Mexico border, coupled with mainstream news reports concerning government aiding of illegal immigration serves to once again remind US citizens that the sovereign borders are systematically being broken down and the country is being quietly amalgamated into a Pan American Union.

Last week it was reported that a U.S. Border Patrol entry Identification Team site was overrun by a team of armed Mexicans Wednesday night along Arizona's border with Mexico, somewhere along the 120 mile section of the border between Nogales and Lukeville, an area known for being a drug corridor.

The guard were forced to flee as troops are not allowed to apprehend illegal entrants and do not carry armed weapons.

"We don't know if this was a matter of somebody coming up accidentally on the individuals, coming up intentionally on the individuals, or some sort of a diversion?" said Rob Daniels, Border Patrol Tucson Sector spokesman. "We just don't know and that's why everything's got to be looked into."

Imagine if muslims or Arabs were caught shooting at national guard and overrunning them, we would never hear the end of it. This incident however, is the latest in a long line of stories that barely reach the footnotes of the local nightly news.

In late 2005 there were dozens of American citizens kidnapped over the Texas border and taken down to Mexico and held. This was kept very quiet. There was a huge stand off, some were killed. 800+ US citizens were killed on the Texas border in 2005, hundreds more were killed in 2006.

There are over a million illegal aliens, conservatively, in Houston alone. There have been multiple car bombings there, and in Dallas, which have quietly been attributed to illegals and forgotten about.

We have previously covered multiple instances of armed Mexican troops straying over the borders and even firing at and killing federal officers.

Last month CNS news reported that Texas sheriffs and lawmakers are routinely threatened, fired upon and overrun by US TRAINED gun-toting members of the Mexican military, crossing regularly into U.S. territory, where they are partnering with drug cartels and criminal gangs to protect sophisticated smuggling operations.

We have also exposed how illegal immigration is being used by drug commando organizations such as Los Zetas (pictured) to gain unrestricted passage into the US.

Former DEA agents have come forth declaring that such groups, admittedly trained by the US Government are being used as front groups for CIA and government controlled narcotics operations. To shut down illegal immigration and strengthen the borders would go some way to prevent such lucrative activities, therefore it's a government no-no.

The open plan to merge the US with Mexico and Canada and create a Pan American Union has long been a Globalist brainchild but its very real and prescient implementation on behalf of the Council on Foreign Relations has finally also been reported on by mainstream news outlets.

The Union is the globalist cabal's meal ticket towards raping an entire continent of its resources and sovereign capabilities. Strengthening the borders is not on the Agenda here, the American Union is all about DISSOLVING the borders.

The framework on which the American Union is being pegged is the NAFTA Super Highway, a four football-fields-wide leviathan that stretches from southern Mexico through the US up to Montreal Canada. Toll roads are to be placed upon existing roads in Security Prosperity Partnership agreements that bypasses Congress, agreements between the bureaucracies of the US and Mexican governments, to raise capital to build the Super highway that will go South of Texas and into Mexico.

Coupled with Bush's blanket amnesty program, which the Democrats in congress are set to approve this week as their first order of business, the Pan American Union is the final jigsaw piece for the total dismantling of America as we know it.

We have also seen in the past how "immigration control efforts" such as Real ID, boosting troops on the borders and building fences are simply smoke and mirrors behind which lie methods of control, outrageous elitist profiteering and the destruction of freedom.

The truth is that immigration is too profitable for the elite, both in the US and in Mexico, to put a stop to it. In late December 2005, Mexican President Vicente Fox hired a GOP lobbying firm to sweeten political sentiment in the US towards Mexicans and the immigration issue.

The Mexican government is now even giving illegals hand-held satellite navigation devices in order to facilitate their safe journey across the desert.

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The World's Mastermind: The Hidden Face of Globalization

The World's Mastermind: The Hidden Face of Globalization

A view from Argentina
by Adrian Salbuchi
Global Research, December 2, 2006 (original Spanish)

This article is a summary of the key points set forth in the Author’s book published in , “El Cerebro del Mundo: la cara oculta de la Globalización ” (Ediciones del Copista, Córdoba, Argentina, 4th Edition, 2003, 470 pages. and Editorial Solar, Bogotá, Colombia, 2004).

“Those who do not learn from history are condemned to re-live it” - George Santayana

As we now have it, globalization can be defined as an ideology that identifies the Sovereign Nation-State as its key enemy, basically because the State's main function is (or should be) to prioritize the interests of the Many - i.e., "the People" - over the interests of the Few. Accordingly, the forces of globalization seek to weaken, dissolve and eventually destroy the very foundations of the Nation-State as a basic social institution, in order to replace it with new supra-national worldwide social, political, economic, financial and military management structures. Such structures tie in with the political objectives and economic interests of a small number of highly concentrated and very powerful groups and organizations which today drive and steer the globalization process in a very specific direction.

These power groups consist of private interests which have succeeded in achieving something that is unprecedented in all of human history, and which we describe as the privatization of power on a global scale.

"Globalization" is actually a hypocritical understatement or euphemism of what former US presidents Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman and George H.W. Bush - each at different times in modern history - described as the “New World Order”.

A New World Order! Clearly, when former president George Bush Sr. unabashedly used that term on 11th September 1991, the Establishment quickly moved to ensure that it should not be commonly used, and in its place coined the much more neutral and seemingly harmless sounding idea of “globalization” which, nevertheless, today still has one main meaning: US-UK-Israeli Imperialism on a planetary and all-encompassing scale. This, at least, is how a growing number of people in Argentina and in our region see things today.

Who are they? What do they want?

The process we have described is in no way anonymous - much less, secret - because the power groups promoting and driving the New World Order are doing so in full public view: i.e., multinational corporations (e.g., the Fortune Global 500s accounting for over 80% of US economic activity); the global financial infrastructure (which includes banks, investment funds, stock exchanges and commodity market operators); multimedia monopolies; major Ivy League universities; international multilateral organizations (such as the World Bank, the IMF/International Monetary Fund, the IADB/Inter-American Development Bank, the BIS/Bank of International Settlements, the UN/United Nations and the WTO/World Trade Organization) and, most important, key government posts in the United States, Israel, the United Kingdom and other industrialized nations. So, we definitely do not have something that can be explained away as a "conspiracy theory".

What we have are the inner trappings and logic behind the way Power is built and managed. What is not immediately visible is the fact that all of these players form who are part of a "Wheel of Global Power" have one thing in common: their key managers, financiers, bankers, government officers, academics, strategists, shareholders and other fundamental players all belong to the same inter-twining network of think-tanks and lobbying organizations. This network forms a common hub that steers the wheel of world power on its present destructive course.

Among these key think-tanks - which should actually be described as geopolitical planning centers -, the role of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Trilateral Commission (TC), the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), the Brookings Institution, the RAND Corporation, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), the American Israeli Political Action Committee (AIPAC), and the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS), amongst others, are of vital importance.

A Historical Perspective

To properly understand today’s world, one needs to look back on yesterday’s world, in order to see how this whole situation came about. It was back in 1919 when a small group of influential bankers, lawyers, politicians and academics – who were taking part in the Paris Peace negotiations between the victorious Allies and the vanquished Central Powers right after World War I – met in the Parisian Hotel Majestic and reached a transcendental agreement: they decided to create a network of “think tanks” - a sort of exclusive club or lodge - from which they would design the kind of “New World Order” which would properly address and accomodate the imperial worldwide interests and objectives of the Anglo-US Alliance.

In London , that think tank would take on the name of Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), whilst in the United States it would become known as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) based in New York City . Both organizations had the unmistakeable mark of the social strategy of gradually imposing a socialist (i.e., formally "democratic" but in reality increasingly authoritarian) political order as a means of mass control of the population. At that time, that was promoted by such masonic fronts as the Fabian Society financed by the Round Table Group which was in turn created, controlled and financed by South African magnate Cecil Rhodes, the international financial dynasty of the Rothschilds, various UK-based Ancient Rite Masonic Lodges, and the British Crown.

The CFR got its initial support from the most wealthy, powerful and influential families in the United States, such as Rockefeller, Mellon, Harriman, Morgan, Schiff, Kahn, Warburg, Loeb and Carnegie (the latter, in particular, through its own front organization founded in 1910: the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace).

In order to express and thus propagate its influence amongst elite circles, one of the first measures of the CFR consisted in publishing its own journal which still remains the world’s premier mouthpiece on geopolitics and political science: Foreign Affairs. Amongst the CFR´s first directors, was Allan Welsh Dulles, a key figure in the US intelligence community who would later consolidate the covert spying structure of the CIA leading to the NSA; journalist Walter Lippmann, director and founder of The New Republic; a host of J.P. Morgan corporate lawyers; bankers Otto H. Kahn, and Paul Moritz Warburg,[1] the latter a wealthy German emigrée who emigrated to the United States and in 1913 designed and promoted legislation leading to the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank – the basically private central bank of the US which since then controls the financial structure of the United States (and, through it, of a good part of the world). When World War II ended in 1945, the Federal Reserve Bank was supplemented by the International Monetary Fund and The World Bank, both of which were masterminded, planned and designed by CFR planners at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944.

Another member of the CFR and one of its first directors, was geographer and president of the American Geographical Society, Isaiah Bowman, who in 1919 would lead the team of experts re-drawing the map of Central Europe after the World War I, thus ushering in times of grave turmoil in Europe which would actually lead to World War II in 1939. It was CFR lawyers Owen D. Young (president of General Electric) and Charles Dawes (a top J P Morgan Bank lawyer), who in the twenties designed and promoted the “debt refinancing” plans for Germany ’s war reparations debt imposed by the Treaty of Versailles. It was top Federal Reserve Bank directors and CFR members who would generate the monetary distortions leading to the 1929 financial crisis and ensuing Depression. It was CFR directors who through the powerful media under their control such as the NBC, ABC and CBS radio networks and newspapers like the The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune and The New York Times, would coax and press public opinion to break US isolationist neutrality and embark that nation on another European war in 1939, which they themselves had been seeking since the early thirties.

The Second World War

At the very start of that terrible European civil war in which The United States would only formally take part in 1941, CFR members set up the War & Peace Studies Group which literally became a part of the State Department and designed its major foreign policies towards Germany, Italy, Japan and their allies. Later, they began preparing for yet another post-war “New World Order” after the then forseeable Allied victory. In this manner, the CFR designed and promoted the creation of the United Nations to manage world politics and US hegemony in the Nuclear Age, and some of its key economic agencies such as the IMF and the World Bank, through members like Alger Hiss, John J. McCloy, W. Averell Harriman, Harry Dexter White, Henry Kissinger and many others.

Once the war ended, US President Harry S. Truman would establish the far-reaching national security doctrine which was based on the doctrine of "containment" of Soviet expansionism proposed by yet another CFR member, who at that time was US Ambassador to Moscow: George Kennan,[2] who described his ideas in a famous seminal 1947 Foreign Affairs article which he signed with the pseudonym “X”. Similarly, the so-called “Marshall Plan” presented to the world by US Army General George C. Marshall, was in fact

designed by a CFR task force and implemented by W. Averell Harriman.[3]

Elite Power Structures

Although it is little known among public opinion, the CFR is very powerful and has grown in influence, prestige and breadth of activities. So much so, that today we can say without a doubt that it operates as the “World’s Mastermind”, silently directing the course of many complex and highly volatile social, politicial, financial, military and economic processes throughout the world. There are no peoples, regions or aspects of human life which are not affected by CFR influence – whether we realize this or not – and the very fact that it has been able to remain “behind the scenes” makes the CFR exceptionally powerful and elusive, even amongst US public opinion.

Today, the CFR is a discreet organization counting among its more than 4.500 members, the best, most capable and brightest minds, operating together with very powerful anbd influential individuals wielding great influence in their respective professions, corporations, institutions, governmental posts and social environments. In this way, the CFR brings together top corporate officers from financial institutions, industrial giants, the media, research organizations, academics, top military officers, government leaders, university deans, trade union leaders and study center investigators. Their fundamental objectives consist in identifying and assessing a wide range of political, economic, financial, social, cultural and military factors spanning every imaginable aspect of public and private life in the United States , its key allies and the rest of the world. Today, thanks to the enormous power wielded by the US , the CFR's breadth of activities literally spans the whole planet.

Its research and investigations are carried out by different task forces and study groups which identify Opportunities and Threats, assess Strengths and Weaknesses, and design far-reaching strategies to promote its interests worldwide, each with their respective tactical and operational plans. Although such intensive and far-reaching tasks are made inside the CFR, the key issue to understand its enormous success lies in the fact that the CFR per se never actually does anything under its own name. Rather, it is its individual members who do so. And they do this from their formal posts as chairmen, CEO’s and directors of major corporations, financial institutions, international multilateral institutions, media, and key posts in government, universities, the armed forces, and trade unions, never invoking or even referring to the CFR as their main seat of planning and coordination.[4]

Indeed, today we can find CFR members in many powerful and decisive posts. To name but a handful of the more than 4.500 CFR members, we find David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Samuel Huntington, Francis Fukuyama, Paul Wolfowitz, Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice, Richard Perle, Robert Gates, James Baker III, Stephen Hadley, Douglas Feith, L. Paul Bremer III, John Bolton, John Negroponte, former secretary of state Madeleine Albright, international rogue financier George Soros, supreme court judge Stephen Breyer, Lowes/CBS CEO Laurence A. Tisch, former General Electric Co. CEO Jack Welsh, CNN CEO W. Thomas Johnson, former chairman and CEO of The Washington Post / Newsweek / International Herald Tribune Katherine Graham (and today her successor son), US vicepresidente, former secretary of defence, and former Halliburton CEO Richard Cheney, former president George H.W. Bush, former national security advisor to president Clinton Samuel “Sandy” Berger, former CIA directors John M. Deutch and George Tenet, Federal Reserve Bank former governor Alan Greenspan and present governor Benjamin Shalom Bernanke, former World Bank president James D. Wolfensohn, CS First Boston Bank CEO and former Federal Reserve Bank governor Paul Volcker, reporters Mike Wallace, Barbara Walters, Wolf Blitzer, top CitiGroup directors John Reed, William Rhodes, Stanford Weill, and Stanley Fischer (in turn formerly No. 2 at the IMF), economists Jeffrey Sachs and Lester Thurow, former treasury secretary, Goldman Sachs CEO and CitiGroup director Robert E. Rubin, former secretary of state and “mediator” during the the Falkland/Malvinas Islands War between Argentina and Britain Gral. Alexander Haig, “mediator” in the Balcan conflict Richard Holbrooke, IBM CEO Louis V. Gerstner, democratic senator George J. Mitchell, former republican representative Newt Gingrich, former Bush Sr. national sercurity advisor Air Force General Brent Scowcroft, Kenneth Lay (recently deseased member of the Trilateral Commission and Enron CEO), amongst many, many others.[5]

In the business world, top Fortune 500 corporations all have senior directors who are CFR members. These corporations together have a combined market value equivalent to almost twice the gross domestic product of the United States and concentrate the better part of the wealth and power of that country, controlling key resources and technologies around the world. Together, they employ over 25 million people in the US alone and account for over 80% of its GDP. In short, they wield gigantic power, leverage and influence in the US and beyond.

We thus find here the key to the CFR’s enormous effectiveness and power: its decisions and plans are drafted out and agreed in closed meetings, study groups, conferences and task forces. But when the time comes to execute those plans, they are then carried out by its different members, each from his or her formal post in different powerful organizations, both public and private. And what powerful posts and organizations these are!

If, for example, a plan has been drafted and agreed regarding how globalisation of the economy and the financial system is to evolve, or which countries are to enjoy peace and prosperity and which are to be ravished by war, invasion and famine, then the coordinated action of personalities like the president of the United States, his secretaries of state, defense, commerce and treasury, CIA, NSA and FBI directors, key international bankers and financiers, Fortune 500 CEO's, media owners and moguls, reporters and writers, military officers and academics, heads of the IMF, World Bank and World Trade Organization, are all brought together at the right time, in the proper sequence and on a myriad of specific matters. In this way, they are able to coordinate concrete, effective and almost irrestistible action, anytime and anywhere.

This is how it has worked for more than eighty years.

Real Power and Formal Power

In order to understand how the world really works, we must first understand the difference that exists between Formal Power and Real Power. What the media propagate with a very high public profile every day in their television and radio newscasts, and in the press are basically the concrete and visible results of the actions carried out by Formal Power structures, especially those of national governments and the technological, financial and corporate infrastructures. However, Real Power levers that actually make things happen are far less visible. They are the ones which plan out what will occur in the world, when it will occur, where it will take place and who shall carry it out.

Formal Power operates short-term and with a high public profile. Real Power operates within a long-term framework and has almost no public profile. Nowadays, Formal Power is mostly “public” – Real Power is fundamentally “private”. This reflects the fact that the institutions of the Nation-State (the prime public Formal Power entity) has become subordinate to private interests (i.e., Real Power driven by money interests).

Since the United States is today’s sole superpower, it is reasonable to conclude that this world power structure – that is what it really is – provisionally manages this veritable World Government from the territory, the political and economic structures of the United States. This, however, by no means implies that the majority of the people of the United States necessarily form part of that scheme of things, much less that the people of the US are "enemies" of any other peoples (rarely are the People of any country an "enemy"; rather, it is their elite establishments that become adversarial through excessive concentration of power).

We are thus speaking of power groups which operate from within the United States (as they also do from within the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Israel and, through their local agents, also in countries like Spain, Argentina, Brasil and Korea), but that are not necessaily identified with the people of the United States.

To better understand the true nature of the United States – especially in what refers to US Foreign Policy – one does well to keep in mind that the US “Administration” as they so aptly call their Government - i.e., Formal Power - is based in Washington DC. However, Real Power structures in the US are mainly located in New York City and some New England states. In other words, the Administration of the United States is done from Washington DC, whilst the country is actually governed from New York City.

Once we grasp this concept, then many other things automatically fall into place. Additionally, the world's real power center resides not in New York City but, more likely, in London … Understanding this complex and subtle process automatically pre-empts any simplistic identification of the “enemy” as the United States or England or any other peoples . More often than not, in times of turmoil the people of the United States are victims – even bloody ones as fallen US citizens in Vietnam , Afghanistan , Iraq and the World Trade Center attest to – of this very process. Nevertheless, the fact that most people in the US ignore this fact, does not make them less responsible or accountable for the genocidal strategies the New World Order power structures operating from US territory perpetrate upon the rest of the world through the use and abuse of US military and economic might to achieve their goals.

That this should be so is understandable when one considers that exercising Real Power requires complying with a set of rules and conditions such as, for example, operational continuity spanning many decades in order to achieve far-reaching goals and carrying out complex strategies which, in turn, span the entire planet, its nations and resources. This requires long-term planning: twenty, thirty and fifty years into the future.

Ironically, the New World Order power elites know full well that there is no greater threat to political continuity and consistency in the design and execution of such long-term global strategies, than to have them subjected to a democratic process that imposes high public profiles on its leaders who must (or should!) heed the "voice of the People" at every step they take, coupled with recurrent power interruptions which all democratic electoral processes entail.

How much better it is to be able to operate discreetly, from what can only be describes as a gentlemen’s club such as the CFR, in which powerful and influential men and women can be officers, directors and chairmen for decades at a time without ever having to be accountable to anybody but their own peers. In this manner, 4.500 powerful individuals can exert tremendous policital, economic, financial and media clout over countless hundreds of millions of people throughout the entire planet.

It goes without saying that one of the main tasks of the global media monopolies is to impose “political correctness”, normally expressed through the "Two-Party System" – Democrats and Republicans in the US, Labour and Conservative in the UK, CDU or SPD in Germany, Radicals and Justicialists in Argentina – all of which are mere variations of the same basic politically correct tenets, and of each other. Stable Western democracies have all conformed to what is, in practice, a One-Party System with slightly different internal factions. People think they may “choose”, but the "options" are just not there: it's sort of like "choosing" between Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola – no matter what they want you to believe, the truth is that they are both basically the same thing.

What we are describing is, in fact, the central hub of a veritable network of powerful people, considering that the CFR is, in turn, supplemented by a myriad of similar institutions both inside and outside of the United States .

All of these think tanks bring together the most intelligent, best prepared, creative and ambitous men and women in a wide range of fields and disciplines. They are paid and rewarded very handsomely - both economically and socially - as long as they clearly and uncompromisingly align themselves to the basic tenets of the CFR’s political objectives. These are nothing less than the creation of a Private World Government; the systematic erosion of the structures of all sovereign Nation-States (though, naturally, not all of them in the same way, at the same speed, nor at the same time); the (sub)standardization of cultural values and social norms; the spreading of a globalized financial system based on gross speculation and usury; and the management of a Global War System in order to maintain the necessary social cohesion of its own masses by permanent coaxing and alignment against real or imagined enemies of “democracy”, “human rights”, “freedom” and “peace”; i.e., against "terrorism".[6]

Since 2003, we saw first-hand how inexistent Iraqui “Weapons of Mass Destruction” turned out to be nothing but Weapons of Mass DISTRACTION, generating enormous suffering, pain and hardship for untold millions of people. The invasion of Irak and Afghanistan are just two examples of the double-standards and double-talk "Newspeak" on which this entire system thrives.

Thus, in order to better understand today's world, one needs to read and assess what the CFR – or rather, its individual members - say and propagate, as many of its activities though discreet are not actually secret. Any person visiting CFR headquarters on fashionable Park Avenue and 68th Street in New York City, as I have done many times in recent years, can easily get all sorts of information including a free copy of their latest Annual Report describing the Institution’s main activities and the full alphabetical list of its 4.500 members. All the information on these organizations is readily available for those who want to see it. It is, then however up to each of us to cross-check all that data on CFR members with what each really does in their professional, corporate, academic and government activities and capacities.

One need also look back on modern history and assess the exceptional leverage which the CFR has had throughout the twentieth century, both on its own, as well as in conjunction with its sister organizations. They have triggered and influenced ideologies, public events, wars, military alliances, political crimes, covert actions, mass psychological warfare, economic and financial crises, promotion and destruction of political and business personalities, and other high-impact events – many of them clearly difficult or impossible for them to admit or confess. All have, however, marked the course of humanity in these stormy modern times.

The technique used is to keep us all far too busy and fascinated as pasive spectators of this whirlwind of events taking place every day in the world. This ensures that almost no one ever thinks of looking elsewhere for suitable explanations to today’s grave crises, because that would then enable us to identify, not so much the effects and shocking results of many of these political decisions and covert actions, but rather their real and concrete originators, organizers and objectives.

In order for this gigantic mass psychological warfare – for that is what it really is - to succeed, the mass media play a vital role which cannot be underestimated. For they are the instruments whose goal it is to undermine and neutralise the capacity of independent thought among the world’s population. That is the key role of global mass media like CNN, CBS, NBC, The New York Times, The Daily Telegraph, Le Figaró, FoxNews, The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, Corrieri della Sera, Le Monde, Washington Post, Time, Newsweek, US News & World Report, Business Week, Reuters, and their respective local outlets in all countries, all of which are directed by key people belonging to the CFR and/or its sister organizations in the US and elsewhere.

And the worst part of it all is that, in spite of all the enormous friction, wars, violence and destruction it generates, the New World Order just does not work. You cannot build a world empire only based on billions of dollars, B1 bombers, F16 fighters, Tomahawk missiles, CNN and gross lying and hipocrasy at the top. Historically, Rome , France , Spain and even Britain knew that only deeper cultural values can consolidate a true empire that will endure even after the colonizing power is long gone, as has happened even to this very day throughout South America where Spanish, Potuguese (and British) influence are ubiquitous . These key cultural factors seem to be very much lacking in the United States that was once described by former French premier George Clemenceau as “that complex political and social process running from barbarity to civilization without going through the necessary stage of culture…”

Implications for Argentina and our Region

Within this context, we can say that the local media in Argentina , our educational system and local mainstream politicians are all basically aligned to the New World Order process – independently of whether they are aware of this or not. In this respect, this System of Domination has three key objectives:

  1. To hide from public opinion how the world really works, knowing that if we cannot properly understand and diagnose the source of our problems and weaknesses, then we can hardly expect to find the proper solutions to them. We are thus (mis)led into believing that we are at “peace”, when in actual fact a veritable and violent total war is being waged against Argentina since more than half a century on the political, economic, financial, media, educational, technological and environmental fronts. Primarily, this is a Psychological War.

  2. To make us all believe that although we are in a difficult situation, “things will improve”, as long as we reach yet another "agreement" with international bankers and speculators, privatize more State interests, reform our federal and provincial governments to the World Bank’s liking, reform our labour, educational and social legislation, and do all necessary so that “international investors” will smile upon us. The truth is that to say we are in a “difficult situation” is an absurd understatement: Argentina is in a terminal situation and if we do not awaken to this reality, in a few more years – a decade at most – we shall cease to exist as a country altogether.[7] Clearly, Argentina has only two options: either we accept living with all the problems and crises we have and take no action to resolve them, trying to merely manage their consequences as best we can or, we confront these problems and crises and decide to do something about them. Naturally, the second option is more difficult and risk laden. Our Governments over the past thirty years have all chosen the former option of living with these problems, which has led us to our present predicament

  3. To make us believe that, whether we like it or not, there is nothing we can do to stop “globalization”. The truth, however, is that there are myriads of things that we can do to neutralise the adverse effects of globalization. But they all require that we first recover sovereign Nation-State institutions that will achieve its basic and fundamental functions of:

· integrating internal conflicting social forces (i.e., promote the Common Good),

· foreseeing all possible threats and opportunities from without and within (i.e., defending the National Interest), and

· leading the Nation on a political course geared on defending its national interest (i.e., leading the country to its Destiny).

These functions require the existence of a Sovereign Nation-state which Argentina today no longer has. We have become a colony, so we must first promote a true Second Declaration of Independence in order to found a Second Argentine Republic. The implications and inspiration for our region and even further afield of such a revolutionary act would be truly momentous.[8]

Additionally – and this is beyond the scope of this brief article –, the global financial infrastructure is on the brink of what can only be described as a controlled worldwide collapse, something that the CFR has been carefully planning through various projects such as the so-called Financial Vulnerabilities Project and New International Financial Architecture programmes. When this occurs it will spell out unimagined new opportunities for Argentina and our region.

As we become aware of these realities, the road which we need to tread becomes increasingly clear too. In truth, things then do not appear as complex as we once thought. It is all basically a question of thinking with our own minds and not with the minds of our adversaries; of starting to assess and defend our National Interest, which implies having our own view of world events, interests and forces, and then taking intelligent measures that respond to our needs, real possibilities and idiosincracy. In this sense, we have an advantage because we do not need not “reinvent the wheel”, as the CFR gives us a brilliant and highly successful blueprint for political, economic, financial and social planning and management of national power. Why not learn from them? Why not form our own network of think-tanks, bringing together a wide range of local, regional and like-minded interests, players and thinkers from different fields? Why not put them all to work on promoting the National Interests of Argentina and its neighbours, so as to recover sovereignty and self-determination for our peoples in a consistent and coherent manner, irrespective of what the world power players try to impose upon us?

But to do this we must first understand what globalization really is: an immensely large range of threats which we need to avoid, and opportunities which we should take advantage of. Regarding every subject having potential impact on us, we need to understand which are our relative strengths and weaknesses in order to be able to successfully confront them; if not today, then certainly in the future. That requires proper planning. Medium and long-term planning. That requires trying to always be one step ahead of the Adversary, achieving and keeping an edge and an advantage over coming events.

No doubt this will lead us to designing the right policies that are consistent with our National Interest, which in many instances will certainly not coincide with the interests of today's global power brokers. To this end, we need to seek and work closely with nations and organizations in Central and South America, Africa, Asia, and Europe, with which we share the common goal of neutralising the negative effects of global imperial domination. In truth, this all means that we need to found a New Argentina . We have many of the necessary tools already at hand; we have millions of countrymen ready to accept the challenge if we but explain to them clearly and forcefully the odds which are at stake; and there are millions of others beyond our borders with whom we can work arm-in-arm towards such a common Cause.

In short, it is really a question of understanding that in Politics there are two kinds of people: those who are active players in the political arena and those who merely and passively look on. The Council on Foreign Relations is clearly a key active player in the global political arenat. Isn't it time that we started doing the same in our own?

Adrian Salbuchi is a researcher, author and speaker; host of the Buenos Aires talk-show “El Traductor Radial” and founder of the Argentine Second Republic Movement (Movimiento por la Segunda República Argentina) He is author of “El Cerebro del Mundo: la cara oculta de la Globalización”, (“The World’s Mastermind: the Hidden Face of Globalization”) and “Bienvenidos a la Jungla: Dominio y Supervivencia en el Nuevo Orden Mundial”. Contact info.


  1. Warburg belonged to a prestigious and powerful Jewish-German family of bankers, closely related to the Rothschilds and the Schiffs, owners of New York-based banking house, Kühn Loeb & Co. of which Paul Warburg was a partner together with CFR founding director, Otto Kahn. As a reflection of how these international power structures have been operating for almost a century, it is interesting to note that when the World War I ended, significantly, one Warburg – Paul – was on the Allied side of the negotiation table in Versailles , whilst another Warburg – his brother Max – was on the other side representing the vanquished Germans. Additionally, Jakob Schiff, Paul Warburg’s partner, had in turn financed the Japanese against the Russian Tsar during the 1905 Russian-Japanese War, thus paving the way for the Bolshevic Revolution.... Interestingly, another Kühn Loeb & Co.,partner N. Jivotovsky, had his daughter Natasha marry one Lev D. Bronstein which later became known as Leon Trotzky, through whose intermediary surprisingly large financing for the 1917 Bolshevic Revolution was funnelled….

  2. Kennan died recently at 101 years of age and almost to the last continued as an advisor at the CFR, an eloquent symbol of his continued influence spanning more than half a century among Real Power brokers in the CFR.

  3. Notably, W. Averell Harriman was a business partner of Prescott Bush, republican senator from Connecticut , father of former president George Herbert Walker Bush and grandfather of president George W. Bush.

  4. The CFR’s so called “Rule of Non-attribution” specifically bans its members from ever publicly invoking the CFR in any way or manner or even disclosing matters discussed behind closed doors at its private meetings.

  5. The reader will find detailed information in the author’s Spanish language book El Cerebro del Mundo: la cara oculta de la Globalización (Ediciones del Copista, Córdoba , Argentina , 4th Edition, 2003, 470 pages.).

  6. Among these “enemies” of the “free peoples of the world” over the past decades one can mention Italian Fascism, German National Socialism, Japanese Imperialism, Argentine Peronism, Communism, environmental contamination, Global Terrorism, Saddam Hussein, Slobodan Milosevic, Islamic “Fundamentalism”, Ayatollah Khomeini, Muhamar-el-Kadafi, Fidel Castro, Maoism, non-US “militarism”, Iran, Syria, and so-called “Antisemitism”, among many,many others.

  7. This might sound a bit strong and yet at the pace events are occuring in today's world, such a forecast may hold true for just about any country in the world. Just think what public opinion would have thought only seventeen years ago – at the beginning of 1989 – if it had been announced that only three years later (i.e., by 1992), the following would take place: the fall of the Berlin Wall, the reunification of Germany , the collapse of the USSR into fifteen independent republics and their abandoning Marxism for Capitalism. At that time, any such announcement would have been considered totally exagerated, if not downright stupid and yet…..that is exactly what happened. It does make one think…. The fact that The New York Times ran a front page story in their 27-August-2002 edition with the title “Secession of Patagonia as a way for Argentina to pay its Foreign Debt” is telling us something….

  8. Elsewhere, the autor of this article has written extensively on the need to found a Second Argentine Republic as that is the only solution for Argentina and its neighbours, if both Argentina and our region are to recover their right to self-determination.

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